Rescue Mission

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"Hey you" Faruko called to the villain across the room, who was still on the phone ordering pizza. "This guy is asking for the address"

"What? Ugh, give me the phone and go to the corner" Twice instructed as Faruko did so, shakily handing over the phone.

Walking to the nearest corner, she faced completely away from Twice, standing there.

"Hands over your ears" Faruko obeyed.

He kept a sharp eye on the winged girl, narrowing them in suspicion. Being cautious, he lifts the phone up to his ears. "Hello?"

"Hey there! May I get your address and crossing street?" A voice said on the other side.

"Well, it's.." Twice shared the address in secret, who still continued to keep a careful watch on Faruko at the corner.

Man, I'm really hungry...
Faruko thought, stomach growled.

"You'll be here in 15 minutes? Alright" Twice said, hanging up the call by putting the phone back on the wall.

"You can stop now" Twice said with an arm cross, but Faruko stood still at the corner, unresponsive.

"I said you can stop now!" Twice raised his voice, arms down at his sides.

"Huh? Oh!" Faruko turned around, facing the villain. "So uhh.. when is it coming?"

"In 15 minutes" Twice answered.

"Oh cool.. so uh, can I get another drink from the counter?"

"Sure, just pour yourself some in this-"

"No I want my own bottle, you know, to chug down myself" Faruko quickly interrupted. "I never done it so, 'while I'm young' ya know?"

Twice blinked in surprise, having the wine cup in his hands, and with a shrug of his shoulders he puts the cup away.

"Well, mi casa es su casa" Twice said, looking through the sections of bottles in the shelves.

"Ya know, you're actually not that annoying as I thought you were" Twice said, reaching a glass bottle at one of the sections at the top.

While Twice was too busy getting the drink, Bakugou's eyes widened at what was going on behind the villain.

What is she doing?!
Bakugou thought with a raised brow.

Faruko noticed Bakugou s look, so she puts a finger over her lips, signaling him to keep quiet.

She slowly raise the bottle up behind Twice, which she have managed to grab a hold of at the counter. She aims it before directly smashing it down on his head, in which she did so, making Twice go stiff.


Pieces of small glass flew out of the impact, spilling on to his back and shoulders, including the floor, in which he slowly fell on his backside, his hands and legs twitching around.

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