Acceptance Letter

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Faruko walks down the pavements of the sidewalk, having her headphones on as her hands held on a bag of items that she got from a nearby store. Faruko haven't been feeling like flying much, usually she would soar through clear skies like this, but she just feels more glued to the ground than usual - even though she hates walking. Probably because of what happened last time.

Wonder what's for lunch,
Faruko thought, feeling hungry.

Faruko continues walking on after crossing a street, she was about to make a turn to her house when she stopped mid track to see a black headed bird guy taking a turn, seeing his backside. Faruko squints her eyes at him, remembering that she have seen him in that one train on the way to the exams.

Does he live around here?
Faruko thought, walking farther away.

Faruko shrugged as she takes an opposite turn towards her house. After a couple of minutes walking, Faruko finally arrives home, ringing the doorbell, which didn't take long for her aunt to answer. Her aunt opens the door.

"Oh hey Nikoru" Naomi said. "How's the trip to the store?"

"The store was amazingly lame haha" Faruko sarcastically said to her aunt.

"Oh you, hahaha" her aunt chuckles. "Let me get that for you dear" Her aunt gently grabs the bags from Faruko's hands, as Faruko walks in.

"Wait, not so fast now" Naomi stops her niece from entering in.

"Huh?" Faruko looks at her aunt in confusion with a raised brow. "What's up aunt Nano?"

"I need you to do me another favor" Naomi said, making Faruko drop her shoulders.

"Tsk! Ugh" Faruko tiredly said. "I've been doing your stinking favors all morning already"

"This the last one!" Naomi begged. "I promise"

"You said that with the last favor"

"Uhh well then this is the final one for sure" Naomi smiled.

"Ugh fine" Faruko crossed her arms. "What do ya want me to do this time?"

"Yayyy" Naomi cheered. "Okay, so what I want you to do is take this envelope and open it"

Naomi sticks out a white envelope with a red seal on it. Faruko was confused, taking the letter from her hands, looking at it strangely for a moment. Faruko takes a better look at the letter, just to notice that the seal has the capitalized letters of U and A. Faruko's eyes widened once she saw those letters, looking back at her aunt who was giggling at her.

"I was just kidding about the favor hahaha" Naomi laughs.

No way..
Faruko thought, who really expected to hear a favor. She looks back at the letter, gripping it a bit more tightly in her hands.

I actually forgot about this..
Faruko thought.

Her aunt noticed Faruko's face, which made her smile go away. "Are you okay?" Naomi asked, concerned for her niece.

Faruko hesitated to answer. "Yeah, uhh I think I'll go uhh, open it later" Faruko said, walking pass her aunt through the door, her aunt not bothering to stop her this time.

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