A Hero's Promise

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Faruko soared towards the trees, close enough for her eyes to grow the size of saucers, learning what the blue substance finally was.

"Its fire?" Faruko questioned.

The fire is blue...
Faruko thought.
but, why?

What started this?

Faruko thought for a moment, witnessing the blue fire cackle among the trees, burning and consuming.

I gotta warn the others!
Faruko thought, turning around to fly back. But her eyes widened once again to another scenery of trees; pink mist looming around.

"What? A pink fog?!" Faruko was convinced that something wasn't right at all, questions flooding her mind in worry.

Thus is crazy!

Faruko gasped at a small group of students that suddenly caught her eye, spotting the foggy trees. About five of them counting while two were laying on the ground, all having gas masks on.

Yo what?!

Faruko quickly flew towards them in a hurry, still wondering what's really going on.

"We need to get back to camp fast!" A girl in orange hair with a side pony tail, who's name is Kendo said to the small group.

"No, I'm going to fight!" a young man in silver hair said, who's name is Tetsutetsu.

"What? But you can't just leave them here with us!" Kendo pleaded. "We need all the help we can get!"

"Hey!" Faruko called out, grabbing their attention, the two looking up to see a familiar face with black wings.

"What's going on? I literally saw blue fire nearby!" Faruko shouted, keeping her distance away from the pink mist.

The students on the ground gasped at the news, looking surprised.

"Blue fire? This isn't good" one of them said to each other.

"We don't know what's going on either!" Kendo answered. "We were just walking around here until this pink mist came out of nowhere. Whatever it is don't breathe it in, it may be poisonous or something" Kendo referred to the two unconscious students on the ground, with gas masks on.

"And we're trying to get these guys to safety" Tetsutetsu said. "Do you know a way out of here?"

Oh man...
Faruko thought with a sweat drop.
I gotta help these guys, I can't just leave 'em here

"Yes I know a way, I can carry one of them back for ya to make the load on you guys easier. I'm Faruko by the way" Faruko offered, landing on the ground in front of them, holding her breath.

"Faruko? Alright. I'm Kendo"

"And I'm Tetsutetsu"

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" Kendo asked, concerned that she just held her breath to enter in the fog boldly.

Faruko nodded without a word, looking into her eyes of how sure and serious she was, which Kendo quickly entrusted her to take one of them, carefully adjusting the unconscious student on her back.

FireFalcon - a mha x oc fanfic Where stories live. Discover now