Combat Training

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The next day, Faruko arrives to class, chilling with her headphones on. While Faruko was listening and simply minding her own business, she zones out thinking to herself.

What if I reincarnate to a an ant in my next life?
Faruko randomly thought.

Sometimes Faruko day dreams, especially when she's listening to music. To her is like getting lost to another world, it's the only thing she can bring a part of California with her everywhere she goes. No matter where she is, she just sticks her headphones on and hit the play button. That includes sparking some odd thoughts.

Or worst, a rock...


Faruko's thoughts were interrupted by a ding from her phone, looking down to check who messaged her. She smiled to see that it was Kaminari, texting back.

Is Aizawa there?

no not yet

I overslept a little
I'm not gonna make it on time for class 😫


Yeah and ass wa is one scary dude😖

"Pffft!" Faruko quickly covered her mouth, getting some heads turn to her, which she ignored.

ass wa???? 😭

Haha yeah sorry it because I running while texting
See ya Faruko!

dont worry my man
I got your back

I have a plan to save ya Kaminari..
Faruko smirked at the thought, putting her phone down with an idea in mind.

Faruko would do this many times in order to save her friends from tardiness. It always worked and it barely ever failed. All she has to do is get a piece of paper out, so she digs through her backpack to get one out.

Good thing I know how to write cursive,
Faruko thought mischievously.

She then gets the pen out and starts writing down on the paper; hello Mr. Aizawa, please head to my office once you see this note. I must discuss something with you in private right away - principle of UA

Hm, looks good,
Faruko thought.

She gets up and sticks the note on the outside of the classroom door, carefully doing so without getting caught by anyone. Faruko then sits back in her seat, carefully looking and waiting nearby to see Aizawa's shadow to creak under the door. But after a few minutes of staring at the bottom of the door, she finally see's a shadow.

Yes! C'mon, take the bait...
Faruko thought, observing closely.

That's when the door swings open to reveal a young man with green eyes and hair, which made Faruko drop her jaw.

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