An Untold Mission

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So the heroes plus some of the authorities gathered together at a specific place, discussing and strategizing on how they should approach and take down the wing hunters and their location, making sure to take the careful steps.

"Alright, you know that there's more than two wing hunters, right?"

"Yes" the officers answered Hawks question.

"Okay, just thought I should make that clear" Hawks said, thinking for a moment. "One of the names of the wing hunters is named Yuto. He's an old man who shoots chains, who happened to have a twin brother who's name is unknown, who shoots out gold chains instead. I think they're the main co-commanders or something. The identity of the main boss is unknown, unfortunately"

"Hawks" a familair voice of a woman said, which happened to be midnight. "I've looked into the location that you shared, and it turns out to be in a place where signals are low and weak. Up the mountains out of the city limits near mount Shu"

"Yeah I'm aware of that" said Hawks. "Thats why I called these guys so they can take ya by helicopter, while me and Firefalcon will go by flying"

"What? You're involving her to go?"

"She wanted to come so badly" Hawks answered. "Isn't that right Aizawa?"

"None of my other students is allowed to come except her, only because she said she wouldn't tell us the location unless she comes along with Hawks on the mission" Aizawa said.

"Oh, I see" Midnight said. "Strange request but I like her flare. At least we're only gonna surround the place and take the bad guys down. Doesn't sound so destructive or messy. It's safe to say that nothing too bad will happen to her I guess"

"I agree" said Aizawa.

As the heroes continued to talk to each other on the matter, someone else with a pair of wings walks in the place.


"Huh?" Hawks turned at the angered voice, seeing an angry looking Firefalcon walk up to him in confrontation, in which Aizawa and midnight stood there watching.

"I thought you promised you wouldn't tell anyone about this" Faruko said, nearly up to his face, clearly upset about the promise he broke.

"I said you could count on me" Hawks said with his hands up, who never actually said that he would keep her promise.

"Wow thanks" Faruko sarcastically said, who originally just wanted Hawks to come along and take down the wing hunters and free the captives, so a bunch of other volunteers coming along only perked up her stress and nervousness.

Hawks sighed. "Listen, I don't have a choice either way, its not in my protocol to just come without backup, and besides, its only a few of us heroes that volunteered to come"

"Okay well, who's coming?" Faruko asked.

"Well your teacher, Midnight and Allmight plus the authorities are coming on the mission" Hawks said. "Oh and myself too of course"

"Wh-what?" Faruko suddenly felt panicked at the thought of Allmight.

Oh no..
Faruko thought, looking down to see the flaming keychain thats hanging on the side of her belt line, which reminded her to stick to the plan no matter what.

"He's not here yet but he's on his way... hey Firefalcon" Hawks said, which she picked her head up to look at him. "I know its not in my place to say this but, I think your mom have been kidnapped by the same people, maybe they're the ones who have her in that place and you just don't know it"

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