Chapter 60

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I sat my purse down on Lani's island and took a seat while she started her dinner. I wasn't to found of this situation that's been going on and I really need to get to the bottom of this.

Sooooo.! She said taking a sip of her wine leaning against her counter top.

Yo you got some shit you wanna get off your chest?! I asked folding my hands in the most calmest voice ever.


Oh okay so since you wanna act clueless ima get right to the point cause you really on some other shit and I love you way to much for us to fall out now so if you got some secret animosity on yo chest speak yo truth cause I'm really about two second from slapping the shit out of you Khalani.!

Magic you have everything.! Okay, is that what you wanna here? Your life is literally so fuckin perfect.! She yelled crying.

My life ain't perfect the hell.!

You have a family, a man that literally caters to you and worship the ground you walk on. Who would do anything for you. Who built you from the ground up....

And you don't? Malachi is a wonderful man. He works hard for all of this shit, he was in love with you.!

Not like Tavion is in love with you.! Y'all go on dates and trips and all that. He gives you so much money you don't even know what to do with it.!

Kahlani do you not remember everything we had to go through to get to this place in life.? My relationship isn't perfect.! How many times me and Martavion broke up? How many times he cheated on me? How many years we spent apart hating each other? This shit didn't happen over night and you can ask him yourself a bunch of shit he did for me was because he was feeling guilty or like he owed me because no matter what I held him down and always loved him.! You had a man whole fell in love with you off the strength cause you was there for him when he just needed somebody and you was there. I'll take that shit over the hell me and Martavion went through any day. And if you wanna be the bitch that got kidnapped multiple times over a nigga be my guess.! Let's not forget that pain i went through TWICE when he was pronounced dead to me.! If you wanna be pregnant right now and scared out of your mind that you won't be able to carry your child full term or have a still born because you have a whole in your uterus because you was shot at 5 months pregnant with twins be my guess cause ain't a fuckin thing about my life perfect.! I worry every single day that Martavion will find better than me or a bitch prettier than me, a bitch thicker than me, a bitch who can satisfy him and make him happier than I can! That one day he'll leave me, because he cheated on me and got a bitch pregnant and that shit ruined me when that little boy walked into our lives.! Ain't shit perfect around here. I yelled through my tears.

But y'all make life look so easy, you know people fashion designers you got Majesty a shoot in Versace and I can't even help me daughter with her modeling career. You literally have star athlete twins.!

You know why I know famous people because I get my ass up and go to different events and mingle. Or I go different places with my husband. Your always home or you never wanna go any where. My daughter doesn't wanna be no model her ass wanna play in paint and shit. She's smart because I stay on her ass about school. I don't let her go off for months and model and Shit.! And the same way with them twins they are good at what they do because I want my kids to know there's more to life than being in the streets. It's more to life than selling drugs. You may be the product of a drug lord but you will not become one.! And if you wanted help that's all you have to do is ask.! It takes a village to raise these kids. We are fuckin family there's literally no reason you should be being jealous of me and mine when we all do and got the same Shit. I'm sure Malachi would love to drip you out and diamonds and give you so much money to splurge but that attitude is fucked up and that jealousy shit ain't cute.! We family.!

I'm sorry sister I was just so mad and angry for a while and I know jealousy can make you insane. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.

I'll forgive you if you make it right with Malachi!

Bro he hates me.! He's divorcing me I fucked up I really fucked up.!

I sighed and hugged her helping her wipe her tears. "He's fucked up about y'all situation. Find away to make it right with him.! He loves you and you love him.! Find that spark again and when you do hold on to it.!" I gave her some tissue to wipe her eyes.

I got the last of my shit.! Malachi said putting the keys on the table.

Baby please wait.! Lani cried walking over to him. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door so they could talk.
Martavion was leaning against the moving truck on his phone.

They are talking.! I smiled as I got closer to him.

Come here.! He said as he stood all the way to his feet putting his phone in his pocket. "I heard what you said in there.....about that your scared of this pregnancy which is the main reason I think you should go on with the surgery."

You think so.?!

Yeah.....I'll be by your side all the way.....I also wanna let you know Magic your beautiful just the way you are. I didn't fall in love with you because of what you have, had. I fell in love with you because of the type of person you are. Bitches can have fatter asses, prettier faces and all that other shit you said but don't nobody got your loyalty.! Don't nobody got my back like you do.! And won't nobody love me the way you do.! Your beautiful snd I ain't looking for shit to replace you. I know I fucked up years and years ago but I been learnt what I had and it don't get no better than you.!

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