Chapter 138

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JORDAN In the M.M.


Your late! My trainer smiled as I walked over to the treadmills.

Jordan don't start with me please don't! I laughed. I came to sign up at the gym a couple days ago and I got a personal trainer. He worked on work out routines for me and meal planning. Told me how many carbs I should eat and all. He worked me to death every other day.

You late too! He said as Lani came trying to sneak over to us.

But listen it's her faught! Lani laughed putting her hair in the ponytail.

Wow do not listen to her! She the one who drove.

How bout I just punish both y'all! He laughed turning on our treadmills. "I need a mile and a half! Let's go!" He made us run on a cline at a speed of 3 fir this mile and a half. I was about to die already.

Jordan got on the treadmill with us and began his run as well. He wasn't one of them lazy trainers he literally worked out with us as well and while he told and showed us what to do!

Can I slow down I'm almost done! I asked out of breath.

Nope! Come on you can do it! You got 10 minutes left! He said as he got off his to motivate us. Lani was out of breath so bad I tried not to laugh cause I was out of shape too.

Good job ladies get some water and I will meet y'all over by our circle. He said before walking away. Once the treadmill stopped my legs felt like they just had to keep going. I grabbed my water bottle and made my way to the circle and Lani went to the bathroom. Probably went to go sit down.

She went to the bathroom! I said as I approached him.

Okay well ima have you here! You member how to work this one?

Yeah just push up right!

Yes.! You good?


You sure?

Yeah I'm fine.

You just seem out of it. Member stress holds on to weight. !

I know....I just been having a rough couple days that's why I'm here to get myself and my body back so I can be confident again.

If it's up to me I'd be taking you to lunch or something cause your body is perfect. But I understand if you don't look fine to you than it doesn't matter what another person thinks.

Yeah that's kinda like where I'm at in life....

I hope ya man ain't letting you walk around with this type of mind set. Your perfect the way you are and im just here to help you perfect the small details.

What y'all talking about!! Lani asked as she walked over to us.

Nun! He was just telling me how he about to over work us.

Y'all gone be slim fine and thick when I'm done with y'all so y'all already know when the light turns green y'all do as many reaps as y'all can when it turns red stop.

After using every machine in this circle we where finally done. We worked on a lot of the stomach area so my stomach felt tight and like it was burning.

Good job today ladies y'all cool off for a second and stay hydrated, I'll see ya in two days! He smiled picking up his clip board.

Byeeeeeee!!!!! Lani sang.

See you later! I said getting up. I could feel the sweat all over my body.

That man know he fine! But is it just me or he be checking you out.

It's just you I'm pretty sure!

Nahhhhh nahhhh nah he be getting his looks in. Y'all gone make this like a porno? Y'all gone be tryna flirt and fuck in the gym.

Please shut up! I am a happily married woman!

Yeah okay Martavion been doing who knows what with little Ms Ciara and anybody else. But Mr Jordan over there look like he wants some of you babe and if I was you I'd give him some too! Let him work you out all right. You been getting the same dick all yo life he might have some fire between his legs. I know you be seeing that big ass print.

Whatever Lani bye! I said laughing to leave her sitting there as I walked to the locker room. I grabbed my things and put my crocs back on. I stood at the end of the hallway by the basketball court zipping my jacket up when Jordan ran over smacking a ball out the way from hitting me.

Guys keep it on the court! He yelled at them giving them the ball back. "You okay!?"

Yeah I'm fine...thank you for that!

It's no problem I'll see you later. He smiled before walking into the basketball court.

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