Chapter 83

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I can help him, I can help him.! I yelled kneeling down to TJ. He was shot in his back. His chest had a hole so that only ment the bullet went straight through.

Magic, Magic.! Martavion grabbed me up, I was crying because his son was dieing. I pushed him off of me fighting him. I felt like I was losing a child.

TJ baby can you hear me?! I hit his chest and started doing chest compressions and mouth to mouth.

Please save my baby, I didn't mean to do it, I didn't mean to do it.! I didn't mean to do it.! Audrey cried and cried and cried. I was not letting this little boy go. He started a team of EMT's and police cars swormed around us. I cradled TJ head in my arms as I cried wiping the blood from his mouth. I was bursting in tears as nothing was working.

A police officer removed me from him as EMT's surrounded him and began to work on him. Martavion grabbed me pulling me to the car. I pushed away from him and walked over towards Audrey which who was crying so hard.

If you move or make a sound I will kill you right here right now.! I said sternly in her face. I grabbed her hand and led her to a car that Malachi was in.

I got a heart beat.! A guy yelled making me turn around.

My baby is alive.?! Audrey questioned but Malachi pushed her in the car and drove off without the police seeing them.

Where's his parents? An officer yelled. Me and Martavion rushed over to him and they was sticking tubes and oxygen over his face.

We got a Pulse but it's very faint! We are rushing him over to Children's Hospital for emergency surgery right away.! An EMS said as they picked him up on a gurney. I nodded my head in agreement and wiped my face.

Can I speak to you two! An officer said coming over with other officers. "Can you tell us how this happened?"

Well our kids...? Martavion began to speak

Sorry to cut you off? Kids?

Yeah my daughter is in the car... I spoke.

Can we please speak with her?

Yeah.! I walked over to the car with them behind me. I opened the door and Miracle was screaming crying.

Baby these officers need to know what happened.! I said holding her.

They kidnapped us and held us hostage.! She said fighting her tears. "Is TJ gonna be okay?"

They are gonna do everything they can, your so brave.! Did you get shot too?! An officer asked putting on a pair of gloves.

I don't know.! It hurts.! Miracle said biting her lips as tears came down her face.

Can I take a look? He asked. She nodded her head and he lifted her pants leg up. "It looks like she was grazed. Do you want her to ride in the ambulance or you can take her cause I don't really want to move her.!" He said taking the gloves off.

We'll take her.! Martavion answered.

One more thing.! Another cop said stepping in.
"Sweetie who kidnapped you guys and fired the gun.?!" He asked.

Those guys right there.! Miracle said with no hesitation.

Your so brave kiddo.! He smiled and I closed the door. The officers ran over there to arrest the three guys. The laid in the ground in the ran as the warehouse was being raided. Martavion pulled off fast heading to the hospital as the police escorted us. He carried his daughter into the hospital and a team of nurses and doctors came over to us and took Miracle.

Your Tavion Jrs the shot victim kid that just came in? A doctor asked coming to us.

Yes.?! I answered quickly.

I'm sorry.....

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