Chapter 1 - Koi Fish Pond

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Ink's POV (Age 11)

I was surrounded by a circle of logs, which created a training area. A tree was loomed over ahead, providing shade and showering me in red leaves.

My hands gripped the sharp silver katana. The light breeze made my brown scarf move subtly. I stared at nothing in particular, imagining a foe in front of me.

Me: I am Ink Yang Comyet, son of the greatest samurai and I serve under the warrior's code.

I said to myself before swinging the weapon. I couldn't help but feel unstoppable with the deadly sword. However, my self created world was destroyed by the voice of a youthful woman.

Resting the katana to my side, I turned around to see the beauty of my mother. I bowed to her before speaking.

Me: Good morning, mother.

Mother: Good morning, Ink. What are you doing?

Me: I was just practicing.

Mother: With your father's katana?

I shot up as I started to blush rainbow. I felt embarrassed as I knew I wasn't supposed to touch it until I was ready to wield a sword.

Me: I... I want to live up to my father, as the greatest samurai and lead the strongest clan.

A small chuckle escaped from my mother's lips as she began walking towards me. She picked up the sheath from the ground and held out her hand. I offered the katana, resulting her to gently grab it and sheathe my father's weapon.

Mother: Come with me, I want to show you something.

She grabbed my hand and led me out of the training area. We stopped and stood in front of mother's horse, Sora. Sora was a four year old white horse. He was trained to be a companion for a samurai and my mother was a warrior.

I was lifted onto the horse and I felt mother climb on the saddle behind me. Sora slightly whinnied then started walking. I looked around as we traversed the village. I pointed in a direction to get my mother's attention.

Mother: What is it, Ink?

Me: That's where father made me move the buckets of water. I hated that.

Mother: So you could learn patience and become strong.

The ride was silent the rest of the way. I was curious about where we were going. I had never been this way before. Sora eventually stopped and mother slid off the saddle. I followed after her to a pond that was protected by many pink leafed trees. The small body of water was connected to a river that led to the big waterfall far away from here.

Mother kneeled next to the pond side before patting the spot next to her. Once I was comfortable, I looked into the water to see several fish. All of them were black and red.

Mother: This is where I come to meditate. I was going to show you this place when you were older but I feel that you're ready.

Me: What do the colors mean? Why are all of them black and red?

Mother: These are koi fish. Their colors are very special. Black means to successfully win a battle against your life struggles. And red means intense, passionate love and power.

Me: What type of koi fish would I be?

Mother: You, Ink, would be an honorable red koi. Did you know, the fish swim upstream and approach the waterfall. That's when they start trying to swim up the waterfall. If they manage to reach the top, the gods will turn them into a dragon.

Me: That's crazy, fish can't swim up a waterfall.

Mother: They can but only one koi has been able to do it.

She pointed at a pair of koi fish swimming around.

Mother: Every koi has their partner or soulmate, as I would like to believe. They complete each other. If you take away one of them, then the other is lonely and incomplete.

I stared at the fish before noticing a little black and red koi. However, the little koi didn't have a partner.

Me: Mother, that one doesn't have a soulmate.

Mother: Oh no, that's a shame. It must be sad.

I was fixing to ask another question but I was interrupted by the voice of my brother, Metallic.

Metallic: Father can't find his katana.

Mother: We have it. I found Ink training with it. We should get going so we don't worry your father.

She smiled to me and stood up. I sat there for a second, staring at the partnerless koi fish. I sighed and stood up. When I began to walk away, I abruptly heard a splash sound. I turned around and saw that the koi fish was out of the water. I ran over to it.

Me: Little koi! You can't breathe out of water. Here, let me help.

I gently picked up the fish and put it back in the water. It stared at me before swimming away, disappearing in the river...

It must be going to swim up the waterfall

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