Chapter 16 - Black Scales

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Ink's POV

  I rested against the strong body of Sora as I took a nap. The breathing of my horse was calming along with the gentle cool breeze.

  The playful screams on children woke me. I pushed myself up and twisted positions, my chest leaning on Sora's stomach. This caused Sora to raise his head with concern about my well being.

  I gently stoked his coat as I watched the kids play amongst themselves. It was nice to relax after a few hours of perfecting my swordsmanship.

  A tap on my shoulder pulled my attention from the kids. I saw that it was Error. He smiled as he sat next to me.

Me: Good morning.

Error: Good morning, Ink.

Me: Where have you been?

Error: I was swimming in the ocean while trying to think of what to eat. I am very hungry.

  I hummed as I turned back to the kids. There was silence between us but I could tell that Error wanted to say something.

Error: Do you want to join me?

Me: Of course.

(Time Skip)

  I put pieces of whale meat into my mouth as I sat next to Error on the beach. Glancing at him, I saw him bare his teeth into a chunk of the meat. His eyes were green as he seemed to eat in a more primal manner.

  Error was the one to hunt but he refused to how me his true form as he feared that he would lose control.

  My lover met eyes with me and stopped eating when he noticed his behavior. He looked down and had a timid expression.

Error: I am sorry. I have not eaten in some time.

Me: It is alright but I do have a question.

  Error looked at me curiously.

Me: Why do you have to eat whales?

Error: Technically I don't have to. However, dragons have an unquenchable and ravenous appetite. We eat fish most of the time but we prefer whales as they taste better and they can cure our hunger. Also, fish are in more abundance than our favorite meal is.

  He answered me before biting the meat once more. There was a small growl that was emitted from him.

  My eyes went to the dead whale that was laid out across the sand. I didn't want any more food but it made me wonder as there was only a small hole in the animal. This was from the meat that I cut out from it.

  Thinking about it, I was astonished that Error was capable of consuming all of that.

  I looked at him, studying his state of being. It was obvious that he was straining himself while he bit the meat.

Me: You can let your real self out.

  He shook his head.

Error: I can't, Ink. I don't want to lose it during mating season. Because... imagine having intercourse with a full size dragon.

Me: But you are straining yourself. You should let yourself out to eat.

  There was long silence between us. He genuinely seemed to be consider it. Error finished the rest of the meat before sighing and standing up.

Error: Alright. Just... don't let me see you.

  Error walked over to the whale and suddenly transformed into a water dragon. My eyes widened by his size. His true self was massive, being three times the length of the whale.

  The dragon's scales were black with a shimmery red tint. His horns pointed back. Both of them had small attachments, almost resembling deer antlers. Black fur covered the area round the horns and ran all the way to the tip of the tail. Spikes protruded from the back and feet. His eyes displayed bright jade, glowing like the moon.

I had to rush to Sora so I could calm him. The normally fearless horse was spooked by the large creature.

  The dragon stared at the whale before plunging his teeth into it. Error tore the animal into pieces and quickly had half of it consumed in mere minutes. He threw what was left in the air and swallowed it with one bite.

  The large creature looked around before slowly transforming into the shape of a man.

  I walked towards Error, not knowing that he was still affected by his dragon side.

  When I met eyes with Error I saw that his eyes were glowing vibrantly. He growled as he pushed me to the ground before positioning himself above my body.

He leaned down and locked our lips in a heated kiss. I returned it but the kiss started to overpower me. It was on the verge of becoming suffocating. I pulled away, breathing heavily.

  My eyes stared at him with a slight worry in them.

Me: E-Error.

This seemed to make Error realize what he was doing as the jade fires that burned in his eyes grew dim.

  With an apologetic expression, Error put distance between us. I laid still for a moment while staring at the sky.

Error: I'm sorry.

  I pushed myself up to see my lover curled in a ball and looking away from me. He gripped his arms tightly as he attempted to control himself.

Error: I know deep down that I can't rush you into mating with me. It's just... it's just sometimes I can't hold it.

  Resting myself next to him, I kissed his cheek to let him know that I wasn't angry with him.

Error: I lost control because you're my mate, Ink. The mating season is the reason for my sexual aggressiveness. I didn't want to see you while in that state because...

I don't want to hurt you

The Samurai and The Water Dragon (ErrInk)Where stories live. Discover now