Chapter 6 - Burned Village

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Ink's POV

  My hand went to the jade ribbon and pulled it loose. The paper unrolled itself, revealing the text within. I set the scroll on my table and rested on the floor before beginning to read.

{The Scroll}

  Dragons are the rulers of the seas, controlling water at their will. They are giant serpents but can take on the form of a mortal. They prefer to take on forms of which other people desire to see.

  These immortal beings are typically good, serving under Yang and Yin. The dragons that belong to Yin, were not originally dragons. They were not born immortal. They had to make themself immortal, a god. While the ones under Yang were born from the heavens.

Dragons have many similarities with animals, such as Koi fish. One great similarity is that they have soulmates. They are born with an assigned mate, which they mate for life with. Dragons are very protective over their mate and will do anything to keep them safe. They become extremely protective and dangerous during mating season.


The voice of Metallic pulled me from my reading.

Metallic: What are you doing?

Me: Just reading this scroll I found.

He nodded before becoming serious.

Metallic: A village was attacked last night.

Me: What?

I stood up, placing the scroll on the bookshelf.

Me: Show me.

He led me out to the field where I quickly whistled for Sora. Metallic jumped onto Nabu's back and waited for me. Once I was ready, I squeezed Sora's sides to make him start galloping. My brother led the way.

Our horses rushed past the forest, their hooves kicking mud behind us.

  Soon, we made it to the place that Metallic wanted to show me. It was a village but everything was burned to the ground. Some homes were still on fire and people were trying to put it out.

  People ran up to me with worried expressions.

Commoner: My lord. It's not safe here.

  I smiled at them before walking past them. My eyes widened as I walked into the center of the village. I turned around, looking at the raging fires. I turned towards Metallic. He was inspecting the burned homes, his hand gripped his katana.

Me: We need to put these fires out. It could become dangerous if we don't.

  Suddenly, something fell on my nose bridge. Touching it with my finger, I felt liquid. It was rainwater. Then more raindrops started to pour from the skies.

'It's raining.'

  As it rained, the fires from houses slowly disappeared. My clothes became drenched and my feet were now covered with newly created mud. Strangely, the rain was calming. Normally I was on edge during the rain as it made it hard to fight.

Metallic: Ink. What are you doing?

Me: I was enjoying the rain.

Metallic: You never do that.

Me: ... I know.

(Time Skip)

  I thought to myself as I rode Sora back home. For some reason, I had this strange feeling that something was following me however, I didn't feel in danger.

???: Hello Ink.

  I recognized that the voice belonged to Error. Looking up, I saw him walking next to me.

Me: Greetings Error.

  I smiled as I bowed. Sliding off of my horse, I walked with him.

Error: How is your day?

Me: A village was burned so not the greatest day in my life.

Error: I see.

  We walked together in silence. Sora snorted, wanting to gallop through the fields of Japan.

  Sadly, everything stopped when a spear pierced through my chest. Falling to the ground, I pulled out the weapon. The blade had a substance on it. It smelled like poison meaning I was going to die.

  I looked up and saw a group of bandits. Error immediately took a few steps forward, stopping in front of me. A blanket of fog appeared which hindered my ability to see Error and the bandits.

  My hearing went out and my vision started to become blurry. I tried stand up but my legs gave out. Eventually, my body fully collapsed.

  I stayed there for a few minutes with no knowledge of what was happening. The fog disappeared, revealing Error once more. The bandits, however, were dead.

  Despite my blurry vision, I saw that Error's eyes were different. It could have been that I was hallucinating but they were...

Glowing a jade green

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