Chapter 2 - First Training

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Ink's POV (Age 11)

Metallic and I carried buckets of water up a hill. My ten year old brother huffed with frustration, causing me to look in his direction.

Metallic: Why are we the only ones who are forced to do this?

Me: I don't know but mother told me it was to learn patience.

I shrugged with the best effort that I could manage. My arms were weighed down by the buckets. I heard Metallic mumble under his breath.

Metallic: It would have been nice if father helped.

We eventually made it to the top of the hill. It was a cemetery that sheltered the resting place of our ancestors. Red trees provided enough shade for all the gravestones. Our family considered the tree to be sacred due to its crimson leaves.

Metallic and I lightly poured water on the ground to water the growing flowers and the green grass. This was an almost daily routine for us, gather water and move it to the top of the hill.

   I sat on my knees in front of my grandmother's grave, I never knew her but I still felt a connection to the woman. Metallic rested next to me with an empty bucket of water.

Metallic: Ink.

Me: Yes?

Metallic: What do you think she was like?

Me: I do not know.

  The voice of our mother suddenly interrupted our thinking. We turned around to see our parents standing at the entrance of the cemetery. They were wearing kimonos, both in a peaceful state as they weren't in battle.

Mother: She was the strongest warrior that I knew.

  We stood up to give respect to our superiors. After we bowed, mother walked up to us. I noticed that she was holding two katanas. She rested one but offered me the other. My eyes widened as I gently took the sword with my hands. Metallic received the other one.

Father: We think that it's time for you to begin your training.

  I almost the felt the excitement from my brother. He has been wanting to become a samurai just like me.

Mother: Come.

(Time Skip)

  I admired the katana that rested on the ground in front of me. Mother and I were sat in the grass, watching father train Metallic.

Mother: He looks up to you.

  She suddenly said before looking at me.

Me: Huh?

Mother: Metallic. He admires you and wants to be like you.

Me: Really?

Mother nodded. I looked at Metallic, who was holding his new katana in an offensive stance. Father began speaking with my brother.

Father: In order to be a good samurai, you must first control your emotions.

My brother has always had anger issues, meaning he could be unstable in future battles. I watched them train for about half an hour until father called me to his side. He positioned me in front of Metallic.

Father: Let's see what you have learned. I want you two to fight.

He stood next to mother, observing my brother and I. My hand drew my katana from it's sheath. However, Metallic attacked immediately. I blocked every attack but Metallic was getting faster with his weapon. Then, I misjudged where the sword was going to be, causing Metallic's sword to graze my cheek.

I whimpered as I backed away, holding my cheek. My black blood covered my fingers. Metallic dropped the sword after realizing that he hurt me.

Metallic: Ink, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to.

He hugged me and I returned the gesture.

Me: It's alright.

Our parents came over. Mother checked my face.

Mother: It isn't bad. Go wash yourself in the river.

I nodded as I walked off. It didn't hurt that bad, it just surprised me.

When I arrived at the river, I kneeled and cupped the water in my hands. I washed the wound, my blood falling into the water and disappearing.

  I stared at my reflection until something caught my eye. A little black and red partnerless koi. A smile appeared on my face.

Me: Little koi!

  The fish stopped swimming and stared at me.

Me: I saw you swim towards the waterfall. You must be taking a break if you are here instead of the end of the river. I wouldn't blame you, swimming up a waterfall would be difficult.

  I felt myself blush rainbow. The fish swam away, leaving me alone once more.

  The silence was peaceful however, it was broken by the voice of my brother, Metallic.

Metallic: Ink, come quick!...

It's about mother

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