Chapter 9 - Meat on Rice

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Ink's POV

Thoughts rushed through my mind as I used my katana to cut bamboo sticks. Sora grazed the fields as I worked on my training.

My mind was stuck on one thought, which caused me to lose focus.

'What did Error mean by "When the time is right"?'

As I swung my sword, it got stuck on the last stick. I wasn't able to cut all of them. I attempted to cut it again but the same thing happened. I began to get frustrated.

'Why does my mind keep getting stuck on this?'

I growled to myself, continuing to get feel anger grow within me. With one large swing, my blade sliced through the bamboo. The stick fell to the ground before rolling down the hill towards Sora. The white horse looked up at me, almost concerned for my wellbeing.

I stood there for a second to let my emotions cool down. I suddenly sense someone behind me. I quickly turned around and threw my sword.

The weapon flew through the air before getting stuck in the bark of a tree. Standing next to the blade, was Error. The blade was close to his face, meaning he almost got hit. However, he didn't seem fazed by it.

'How is he not scared of almost dying?'

Error looked at my katana before pulling it out of the tree. He looked at his reflection in the silver blade before looking at me.

Error: Was that necessary?

I felt myself become too shy to answer him. I didn't want to anger him as I was intimidated by his powerful aura.

Me: I'm sorry. I have been losing focus since this morning.

He walked towards me, making me blush. He presented my katana with two hands, allowing me to grab it. I gripped my hand around the hilt before sheathing it.

We stared at each other silently. Then, I broke contact by looking away from Error's dominating eyes.

Error walked past me towards the bamboo. He lined his fingers against the cleanly cut edges however, he didn't acknowledge that the last one wasn't as perfectly cut like the others.

I sat under the tree to take a break from training. Error turned around to face me, eventually joining me on the ground.

Me: What brings you here?

Error thought for a second before answering me.

Error: People from your village told me where you were. I wanted to know because I... brought you this.

He said as he pulled out a bento box. He placed it in my hands and waited for me to open it but I wanted to admire the small box first.

The wood had intricate carvings containing dragons and lotuses. There was a pair of chopsticks tied to the top.

Me: I have never seen one like this before.

Lifting up the lid, I saw rice that had cooked meat on it. I took the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of meat. When I placed it in my mouth, I instantly loved the taste.

The meat had a certain taste that was new to me but it went perfectly with the rice.

Me: What type of meat is this?

Error: Whale meat.

Me: Where did you get the meat. Whale meat is difficult to get.

Error: I caught-

He interrupted himself.

Error: I got the meat... from a vendor.

  I slowly ate the food that Error gave me. It felt nice, to relax after a day of training. My mind was finally able to focus but, it was still thinking about what Error said the night before.

  Even though he was right next to me, I decided to not bring it up.

  Looking at the man beside me, I saw him watching the waves of the ocean.

Me: Do you like the ocean?

  He nodded.

Error: I do, Ink. I have a...

Deep connection with water

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