Chapter 4 - Mountain Side

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Ink's POV

  I sheathed my katana as I kneeled down. My hand picked up the red lotus. I pulled it closer to me to get a better look. The petals were attracting to me because of the sharp red color.

Me: How did this get here?

Metallic inspected the rest of my room, his intense pink eyes glowing slightly.

Metallic: It's a red lotus, directly linked with love, compassion, domination, and power. People usually give them to the one that they love.

I couldn't think of anything to say. Standing up, I walked over to my window before gently setting the flower on the small ledge.

Me: Well, at least there was no threat.

A sigh slipped through my lips as I turned around and walked out of my bedroom. Metallic followed behind me with his hand resting on his sheath.

I pushed open the door, sunlight kissing my cheeks. We walked down the paths to the stables, where Sora was being kept. The strong white horse was grazing in the field.

A whistle from me was all that it took to call Sora. He was trained to return to his master, no matter the location.

  Sora walked over to me, accepting pats that I give him on the nose.

Me: You're a good horse, Sora.

  Metallic stood next to me and watched Sora and I.

Metallic: I can't look at him without thinking of mother.

  My brother solemnly said.

Me: I understand your pain. Sometimes... I forget that mother is gone. However we have to keep going without her.

  My hands wrapped around Sora's braided hair, gently tightening the bindings. I was deep in thought until something came to me.

Me: Metallic.

Metallic: Yes Ink?

Me: How about we go for a ride?

  My brother seemed surprised but nodded with a small smile. He called his horse, Nabu, mounted her and waited for me to mount Sora. I gripped the saddle before pulling myself up. Sora began to trot after I lightly squeezed his sides.

  The two horses moved along the mud trail, silence between the four of us. I watched people go about their day however, there was something that was different. My thoughts went back to the mysterious red lotus that was found in my room.

'How did that get there? Metallic said it was linked with love but... who put it there? No one reported anyone else breaking in. Strange.'

  I looked up to suddenly see that we were heading up a mountain, specifically the one with the waterfall. When we made it to the top, I stared out at the rest of the island. The villages, the temples, even the castles were so small from where I was.

Metallic: I envy this Sakura tree.

Me: Why?

Metallic: It gets to see such beauty everyday of its life. While we have to endure the terrors of this world just to die in the end like all our ancestors.

  I continued to admire the scene but I didn't agree with what Metallic had said.

Me: I rather enjoy the terrors. Because in the end, I get the satisfaction of knowing that I overcame the struggles in my life.

Metallic: You sound like a black koi.

  He said while lightly chuckling. He abruptly walked backwards and mounted Nabu once more.

Metallic: Shall we get going?

Me: Go ahead. I... want to stay up here for a few more moments.

  He nodded as he pulled the reigns of his horse which led him off the mountain. I kneeled down and watched the wind make the leaves dance. My brown scarf moved along with the soft breeze almost in a carefree manner.

  I rested my katana on the grass, submitting to the loving embrace of the world around me. Pink leaves fell from the Sakura tree and proceeded to paint the ground with its beautiful color.

  My hand took hold of the instrument that I always carried with me. I put it to my lips and lightly exhaled breaths of air. Music started to escape from the other side, excited to be free from its wooden cage.

  I played a song that was very important to me. Every note was played with care and love as I didn't want to mess up in any way.

  Throughout my small session of music, it was quiet. However a voice interrupted me. It wasn't Metallic's, leading me to turn around in alert.

  Standing next to the waterfall edge... was a black boned skeleton. He wore a black kimono with red outlining. On the chest were two red dragons.

'He must be wealthy to be able to have such clothing.'

  I thought to myself, my hand subconsciously going for my katana.

Me: Who are you?

???: My name is...

Error Yin

The Samurai and The Water Dragon (ErrInk)Where stories live. Discover now