Chapter 5 - Who Are You?

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Ink's POV

  I stared at the stranger. He gave me his name, meaning I had to return the greeting. I lightly bowed as I introduced myself.

Me: I am Ink Comyet. Son of the Hoyo Comyet.

  Error was silent for a second. I could feel his gaze on my body and for some reason, it struck fear within me. Something about him wasn't normal. However based on his clothing, I had respect him because he was higher than me in status.

Error: You're the samurai who's next in line to take over the clan.

Me: Y-Yes. I am.

  I straightened up and looked back at him. Words didn't form properly and my face grew warm. Must have been because I stuttered in front of him.

Me: What brought you here?

Error: I heard the song that you played and I couldn't help myself.

A low chuckled came from him, making my face become hotter. He walked closer which made me nervous. I hand clenched my katana but loosened up when he sat down. I rested next to him, looking out at the horizon.

Error: Where did you learn to play?

Me: My mother taught me. I really like the song.

Error: It's my favorite. It always seems to calm me down. I can never forget the title... "The Calling of Embrace". It's origins stem from the stories about love.

Me: I didn't know that but you seem to like things about love.

He nodded, a small smile appearing.

Error: I'm passionate about love, Ink.

  We sat there for a minute. Despite the fear that I got from Error, his company was strangely comforting. However my enjoyment was broken when I realized that I needed to get home.

  Error's attention was drawn to me when I stood up. I fastened my katana to my kimono and whistled for Sora. Error got up from his sitting position, with a somewhat sad expression.

Me: I must go home. It was nice meeting you.

Error: Might I walk with you home? I would like to see your village as I heard it was beautiful.

  I thought about my next response. During the process, I heard Error say anything to himself. I looked at him but he waved his hand to brush it off.

  Sliding off of Sora, I motioned for Error to follow me. A smile appeared on his face as he rushed next to me. It reminded me of a little animal.

(Time Skip)

  I said goodbye to Error as he began to leave the village. After he left, I sighed as I let Sora run free in the field. Something was off about that man, something that gave me fear. For some reason... Error's aura felt extremely powerful and dangerous.

  A voice came from Metallic which interrupted my thoughts.

Metallic: Ink, who was that?

Me: I don't know.

  We walked home with small talk. The village was loud as usual, filling with talking and laughter. As we passed people, they bowed to us in respect before moving on with their lives.

I entered my home and headed towards my bedroom. There, sitting on the window ledge, was the red lotus. However, the small plant seemed to have grown to a bigger size.

'How is that possible? It didn't have a water source. How did it grow?'

I tightened my brown scarf as I sat in front of a small table before beginning to paint. The black ink slowly formed a picture. It was a woman carrying a katana as well as a flower. It symbolized my mother, graceful yet powerful.

My surroundings were quiet but suddenly, a gust of wind blew in through my window which knocked down the flower. I quickly got up to pick up the lotus. After making sure that it wasn't damaged, I placed it next to my bed so it was in a safer place.

Looking around, I noticed that a basket had fallen from the top of my bookcase. Some scrolls were lying about. I picked them up and placed back in the basket but one of them caught my eye. It was a scroll with a jade ribbon.

'That isn't mine. Must've been my mother's scroll.'

Curiosity got the better of me, leading me to see what the scroll read. My eyes widened when I saw what it was about...


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