Chapter 15 - Marking

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Ink's POV

  I walked through the hallways of Error's palace. My body slightly hurt and I was tired despite just waking up.

  After a few minutes, I was able to find the entrance door. I pulled it open and walked out.

  There was a chilling breeze in the air. The trees swayed together as they surrounded the lone palace. I saw the waves that overlapped with the beach.

  I admired the location that Error chose to have his home, right next to the beach.

  Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Error standing behind me.

Error: Good morning. How are you feeling... from last night?

  Memories from last night rushed through my mind which caused me to blush heavily and act timidly.

Me: I... I feel okay just hurting a little bit.

  I noticed that he was wearing a causal grey shirt and loose pants.

Me: Where's your kimono?

Error: On you.

  He said with a tiny smile. I looked, seeing that I was wearing his black and red kimono. My arm raised so I could get a good look at it. I never realized how detailed his clothing was until now.

  Red symbols and creatures seemed to be embroidered into the black fabric. Pieces made of gold decorated the sleeves and chest while purple accents could be seen in the pants.

Error: I can sense that you like my kimono, Ink.

Me: How can you tell?

Error: After mating with you, my soul is now fully linked with yours. Your passionate side is now like an open scroll to me. I can sense your thoughts, emotions, likes and dislikes.

Me: Can I do the same?

  He nodded.

Error: It might take some time and practice but you can sense my passion side as well.

  It took me a second to take in the information. Then, there was silence between us. I turned around to stared out at the horizon.

  Error decided to speak which made me look at him.

Error: We should probably go to your village. Your people are most likely worried about you.

  I agreed with him. I needed to wash off the dried blood from bites and clean recent battle wounds.

  Looking to the sky, I put my fingers to my mouth before whistling. There was a small moment of waiting as I hoped that my loyal horse was able to hear me.

  A few minutes had passed before I heard the stomping of hooves. Sora soon appeared between the trees which made a smile show on my face.

  The horse trotted up to me and pressed his snout against my body.

Me: You're a good horse, Sora.

(Time Skip)

  I rode on the horse with Error walking next to me. I was wearing my brown kimono again and my katana was attached to my waist.

Me: Error. I have a question.

Error: What is it?

Me: Are we... are we lovers?

Error: That's my hope. We're soulmates after all. Do you want to be?

  I thought for a second.

Me: I consider us as lovers. I feel a deeper connection with you than I do with anyone else. I can feel... that I have admiration for you.

  My village came into view. We stopped talking about love when we past the protective walls.

  People were surprised to see me as they bowed. Women ran off to tell the others that their lord was back. Error looked around with almost a cautious expression.

  I pulled on Sora's reigns to make him stop in front of my family's palace.

  The door suddenly slid open to reveal Metallic. I had to use a lot of my energy to convince him that I was alright before I was able to go anywhere else. Once he was calm he went back into the home.

  I guided Sora the river next to the training area. Sliding off the saddle, I walked to the edge and dipped my hands in the water. I washed my face off before beginning to undress my torso.

  The wound from Asgore's trident was still visible across my chest.

  Suddenly I felt hands on my waist. I knew it was Error.

Me: Error. Not right here.

Error: Sorry. Just seeing your body makes me lose control.

  He let go and backed away, rubbing his arm awkwardly. I pulled my kimono over one of my shoulders.

Error: I'm going to step over there so I can control the dragon within me.

  Error walked away to sit under the tree. I turned back to the water and stared at my own reflection.

  I noticed that there was a marking on my left shoulder blade. It looked like a scratch made of two lines.

  I called Error to my side.

Me: Do you know what this is?

  He nodded.

Error: ...

I marked you

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