Chapter 11 - Cliffhanger

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Ink's POV

  I was visiting the clan on a mountain cliff. It looked out upon the ocean. This village was known as the jade village.

  Standing on the cliff, facing the watery waves, was a giant statue of a jade dragon.

  Error had came with me and was currently exploring the shops.

Vendors sold many things from jewelry to weapons. The jade village was known for being a busy place of trading goods and gossip. The clan was watched over by a humble noble family that was powerful in wealth and political status.

  I stood next to the statue. The salty wind blew up the cliff and the waves crashed against the rock.

  The sunlight reflected off the water, making the scene much for amazing.

  However, the peace was suddenly broken when I heard blood curdling scream.

  I quickly turned around, trying to find where the scream came from. It was a woman from the entrance gate.

  My eyes widened when I saw an army standing at the opening. Warriors ran towards the innocent people and began to attack them. All of them were led by a giant goat monster.

  Men wielding katanas approached me. I unsheathed my sword as I prepared for a fight.

  Error looked towards me and yelled.

Error: Ink!

  He tried to get to me but people attacked him as well. This kept him in one place.

  From what I saw, Error was a skilled fight even without a weapon.

  A man charged at me but I was able to block him. The warriors soon followed after. This moment is one of the reasons why I have trained countlessly for years.

  I was able to kill most of the warriors but more kept coming. I was beginning to grow tired.

  The attacks suddenly stopped as their leader approached me. The goat monster was tall and big. He wielded a large red trident.

???: We finally meet, Ink. I have heard a lot about you.

Me: What have you heard?

???: That you're the greatest samurai in all of Japan.

Me: Yeah? And who are you?

???: Where are my manners? My name is Asgore... and I've come to conquer your people.

  I growled in anger.

Me: Not as long as I live.

Asgore: That is why you must die.

  Sadly, I let my emotions out of control. I swung my katana at him. This allowed him to have an opening.

Asgore blocked my katana before swiftly impaling me. My hands let go of my weapon as they went to grab the trident. I tried to prevent it from going deeper but I wasn't strong enough.

My black blood poured from the open wound and stained my hands. The lack of the inky liquid made me become weak. I dropped to my knees, giving up on trying to stop the weapon that impaled me.

Asgore pulled the trident out, causing the blood to pour out quicker. The monster picked up my sword and looked at it.

Asgore: This is a beautifully constructed blade. No wonder it's deadly.

He slide my sword into the scabbard that was attached to my waist.

Asgore: I have respect for you, Ink. I will let you die with your katana so you have it in the afterlife.

After he was done preparing me for death, he put his foot on my chest and pushed me off the cliff.

As I fell to the ocean, I let my final thoughts rush through my mind.

'This is how I'm going to die.'

My body slammed into the water. Seconds passed and I drifted further into the dark depths of the water. I didn't have the strength to swim myself to surface.

My eyes started to close as my final breaths drew near. However, in that small moment in time, I saw something large enter the water. It swam down to me with a fast pace.

Despite my blurry vision, I caught one very distinct detail...

Jade green eyes

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