Chapter 7 - Safe in the Village

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If this was a movie, this would be the time when the intro begins to play.

Ink's POV

Pain coursed through my body as my eyes opened. I wasn't on the muddy ground, I was in a bed.

Pushing myself up, I noticed that there wrappings around my chest and my kimono was replaced with a pair of pants.

  I looked around, seeing myself in the living room of my home. There was a shelf with herbs on it. A window was to my right, letting in the sunlight. My kimono and katana were on a desk in the corner of the room.

I stood up and went to grab my things. However, my legs gave out and I fell to the floor. I grimaced and my breath was heavy while I tried get up from the floor. This is weakest I have ever been.

  Suddenly, people came into the room. It was Metallic and few other people.

Woman: My lord!

  One of them said as they went to assist me. They helped me stand up. I wobbled for a few seconds before gaining my balance.

Metallic: Are you okay, Ink?

  I nodded while attempting to calm my breathing. Some women guided me to sit on the bed while another gave me a cup of herbal tea. Surprisingly, the tea tasted amazing.

Woman: Here, it should help with your pain.

Me: How did I end up here?

Woman: Someone dressed in a black kimono carried you here. He said you were impaled by a poison covered spear. However when we looked over your body, you didn't seem affected by it. You only had a wound with small traces of poison. The man seemed to have cured you somehow.

  I looked at her while taking the last sip from my tea. I figured out how that she was talking about Error.

Woman: He was quite worried about you. He refused to leave the village until he knew you were safe.

  I stared at my empty cup as my cheeks slowly became warm.

Metallic: Let's leave so Ink can get dressed.

  My people bowed to me before leaving. Metallic and I stared at each other.

Metallic: Glad to hear you're okay.

  He waved to me and left the room, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I sat still in silence for a minute and then stood up.

  I went over to the desk and grabbed my kimono. After slipping on my clothing, I secured my katana before walking out. I felt safe with my weapon attached to my side. The blade was always there for me, ready to fight at any given moment.

  When I exited the house, sun blinded my eyes. I shielded my face with my hand as I adjusted to the brightness.

  The wind blew softly. I stopped for a second to breathe and enjoy the outside world. The grip around my katana loosened as I felt myself become relaxed. However, the sudden sting of pain broke my peace. I sighed, placing my hand over my chest.

  I walked down to the training area. The large red tree loomed above the familiar circle of aged logs. I saw the river that was next to the tree. I stopped walking when I saw Error sitting next to the water.

Approaching him, my breathing started to speed up. The mysterious male suddenly turned his head, acknowledging my existence. He stood up before turning to me.

Error: Ink. You're alright.

He walked over to me which for some reason, made me become nervous and my cheeks grow warm.

Error: How are you feeling?

Me: I'm f-feeling fine. H-How about you? You fought those bandits.

  He smiled and shook his head.

Error: Don't worry about me. Your health is more important than mine right now.

I lowered my head, feeling my face become even hotter. After calming down, I looked at him and bowed in respect. I started to walk away but Error spoke.

Error: May I join you?

I nodded, allowing Error to walk with me.

  We walked around my village to get my legs used to moving again. The sun was raising, telling my people it was time get up. A light layer of fog hovered above the ground and deer could be seen roaming in the fields. Red leaved trees danced in the wind along with the flowers.

Error: I can't get over how beautiful your village is, Ink.

Me: Thank you. My family has spent many years caring for this place. Now it is my responsibility.

I thought to myself. Then, I remembered the koi fish pond.

Me: Error.

Error: What is it?

Me: I want to show you something.

I led him to the place where I meditated. The same place that was sacred to my mother.

  We walked to a hidden part of the village and found the pond. The red trees had grown bigger over the years, their branches touching. In the middle was the pond with red and black koi fish. They still swam in circles with one another.

  I showed a small frown when I saw that the partnerless little koi was still gone. It might have found a new home within the river or the ocean.

Error: You seem upset about something.

  Error said without looking at me.

Me: When I was a kid, my mother introduced me to this place. I was leaving when a small koi fish jumped out of the water and onto the land. Luckily I was able to save it. However, I haven't seen it in years.

He listened to my little story before smiling.

Error: Knowing the waterfall legend...

That koi fish might be a dragon now

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