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Cassian was right, the planet was pretty from above but what seemed like swirling clouds turned out to be vicious thunderstorms. Lian was sat next to Jyn. The two of them gripping the handles as the ship shook. Chirrut and Blaze were on the other side of the room. Blaze holding onto the side as Chirrut prayed. "I am one with the force and the force is with me". Lian muttered along to him under his breath as the ship gave another rocking shudder. Something hit the side and Jyn knocked into him.

"Sorry", she muttered. Lian shrugged in a 'what can you do' gesture.

"Hold on tight!" Cassian called back. "We're coming down hard". Lian gritted his teeth as the ship skidded into a bone rattling halt on the stone cliffs.

"Ouch", came a groan form up front. Lian smiled under his scarf as Bodhi stumbled into view. The pilot huffed at him as he flopped in a heap on the floor.

"Get up", Cassian muttered as he stepped over him. "I'm going to go and check out the damage". He pulled a waterproof poncho from a compartment and shrugged it over his head. "Won't be long". The doors beeped open, letting in a Gale of wet wind and he stepped out, the doors shutting behind him.

Bodhi groaned and rolled himself onto his feet. "Lian", Chirrut called. "Come and meditate with me". Lian got up and crossed over to sit himself next to his elder, crossing his legs and adjusting his robes before closing his eyes. Meditating here was different than back in the temple. In the temple, the energy seemed skitty and slowly weakening as the kyber crystals were removed. It had been a familiar feeling. The force, that lian could only feel if he was concentrating on it, was as comforting as an old friend in Jedha. Here it was wild and angry, yet also sad. It clung to the life forms in the ship and he realised what Chirrut meant about Jyn. The force moved around her with purpose. He wasn't sure if he liked it.

The sound of the door opening and the cold air alerted them to Cassian's return. "Bodhi, where's the lab?" He asked as he pulled off his wet jacket.

"The research facility?" Bodhi asked. He, Jyn and K2 had been checking the ship systems.

"Yeah, where is it?"

"It's just over that ridge". Lian still had his eyes closed but he could tell that Bodhi made a gesture with his thumb.

"That's the shuttle depot straight ahead of us, you're sure of it?"


"Let's just hope that there's an imperial shit left to steal", Cassian muttered. "Here's what we're doing. Hopefully the storm will keep up and keep us hidden down here. Bodhi, you're coming with me. We'll go up the ridge and check it out".

"I'm coming with you", Jyn stood up.

"No, your father's message, we can't risk it. You're the messenger". There was a click as Cassian began checking his weapons. The force was weird around him. Lian didn't like that either.

"That's ridiculous. We all got the message. Everyone here knows it".

"One blast to the reactor module and the whole system goes down", K2 supplied. "That how you said it, the whole system goes down".

"Get to work fixing the comms", Cassian growled at the droid. "All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we're up against. So we're going to go very small and very careful over the rise and see what's what", he stated sharply before opened the door. "Let's get out of here". There was the sounds of his and Bodhi's footsteps leaving and the door shutting behind them. Silence falling over the ship.

Lian opened his eyes and turned to Chirrut. "Did you feel that?" He whispered softly. Chirrut nodded and turned his head to blaze.

"Did he look like a killer?" He asked.

"No", Blaze stated. "He had the face of a friend".

Jyn looked away from the window. "Who are you talking about?"

"Captain Andor", Blaze replied.

"Why do you ask that? What do you mean does he look like a killer?"

"The force moves darkly near a creature who is about to kill", Chirrut stated. Jyn turned to Lian as if seeking a different answer. Lian's grim expression said what it needed.

"His weapon was in the sniper configuration", K2 pointed out.

"I'm going after him", Jyn announced. Lian watched as she grabbed a hat and a poncho from one of the ship cabinets and slammed her hand on the button to the door. The metal skid open and she jumped out into the rain. Her form swiftly disappearing into the storm.

After a minute Chirrut stood up. He pushed the button and the door opened. Lian rose and watched as Chirrut used his staff to jump onto the ground. He turned and grabbed his own staff before jumping after him. The wind instantly began pulling at his robes and the rain stung his head. He pulled his scarf up so that it covered his short hair and picked up his pace to catch up to Chirrut. "Where are you going?" Blaze called behind them.

"I'm going after Jyn. Her path is clear", Chirrut shouted back.

"Just with the kid? Good luck!"

"I don't need luck. I have you". Lian grinned at Chirrut's words. There was a distinct silence as they walked slowly forwards. Then there was grunt and the running of footsteps approaching behind them.

"Nice of you to join us", Lian greeted as Blaze caught up.

"Stop looking so smug", Blaze grumbled. One of his hands reaching up to ruffle his short hair. Lian pushed him off with a laugh. The rain dripping down his face and his clothes soaked. He pulled the scarf from his mouth and stuck his tongue out at him. Blaze smiled and rolled his eyes.

"We need to go up here", Chirrut waved a hand at the steep incline above them. Lian grimaced at wet rocks. With a sigh, he wordlessly held out his arm. Chirrut took it with a smile. "Thank you", he said, pleased as Lian began to help him up onto the ledge. Blaze clambered up behind him and they peered through the rain towards the light of a landing platform. The grey buildings of the imperial lab was merely a shape in the darkness. Lian could just about make out a man in white and several troopers through the rain.

"Can you see Jyn?" Chirrut asked.

"Not through this damned rain", Blaze grunted. He peered through the scope of his gun but it didn't seemed to make much of a difference. They watched as the little figures moved around the landing platform. Their small shapes blurred by the rain.

"Look above!" Chirrut waved his arm and Lian turned. Bright lights blinked him as five dark forms flew over their heads. The X-wings flying low, engines thundering in a high pitched energy wine as they dropped down. Blasts hit the platform and suddenly it was alight with fire. Lian jerked up in shock. Jyn was on that platform. He squinted and watched as a familiar figure ran on to the platform and pulled another figure towards a docked ship. They climbed inside and began to take off.

"We need to get to that ship!" Blaze barked. He grabbed Chirrut by the arm and pulled him up, one arm gesturing to the imperial ship that was coming their way. As it approached, Lian peered up and could just about make out Cassian's face through the glass.

"What about Jyn?" Lian asked as he stumbled after them.

"The force is with her", Chirrut called back. Lian broke into a run as the ship lowered itself next to their crashed old one. It was humming as it hovered. The engines lifting it up off the rock just as the doors opened. Bodhi waved at them as he climbed inside, K2 following. Blaze reached it first and threw Chirrut inside. Lian jumped in after them and rolled in a wet ball across the floor and out of the way of the doors.

"Got them. Let's go and get the others", Bodhi shouted. K2 muttered something grouchy that Liam ignored and the ship lifted with a creaking groan towards the platform. Lian shuffled along to where Blaze and Chirrut were leaning against the wall. Chirrut turned as he came closer and wordlessly shifted to make space next to him. Blaze watched as Lian curled up and rested his head on Chirrut's shoulder as the ship began to descend over the platform. The doors opened to the light of fire and the stinging rain. Two bodies came running and threw themselves inside.

Caspian immediately rolling onto his feet as the doors slammed shut. "Get us the hell out of here!" He called. The ship rose and shot off into the sky.


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