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After the curry incident, Luke came back. Unless there was something important that needed his attention, a squadron meeting for example, he returned to Rogue one every day at lunch. Lian would hand him some spiced Caf and he would begin talking. Sometimes, if Bodhi needed help, Luke would happily set to work. The two men now hanging up on Lian and teaching him some mechanics. These lessons often dissolved into heated discussions. Bodhi having been trained in a garage and the imperial fight academy, and Luke having learnt off whatever scraps he had growing up. Which sometimes led to two completely different ideas on how to handle things.

Lian could tell that Bodhi enjoyed it though. He had gotten back some fierceness that he remembered from childhood. Bodhi had been a scared, traumatised man in Saw guerra's cells. But as a child he had been protective, friendly and a bit of a rule breaker. Lian nad almost thought that growing up and the mess of their lives had beaten it out of him. He was glad to find that it didn't. There was a spark in him that had been returning with the others. Then scarif had happened and everyone had died and Lian was worried that the spark had gone again. He was glad to see that it hadn't. Even if it would never be the same as before, they were too damage for that, Bodhi was regaining some of his confidence. His courage and self assurance.

Luke also meditate with Lian. He had mentioned that Ben had taught him how but he hadn't gotten the hang of it yet. So Lian would sit down and close his eyes, feeling Luke to the same next to him. The force swirling around them like the current of a river. He would concentrate on it and extended what little control he had of the force towards Luke. Wordlessly guiding him into doing the same. Lian'd never had control over the force in a physical sense. He could barely make things move like the Jedi can. Chirrut had always been the one with the most perceptive sight into the force, knowing things, heading things. Lian wasn't as talented as he had been but he could occasionally pick up on what the force was trying to tell him. No, what Lian was truly good at when it came to the force was mind. He could feel other living things, their emotions and intentions if he concentrated hard enough. So it was simple for him to help Luke meditate. The blonde's presence still bright next to him despite his closed eyes. Luke had true power in the force. The innate power of a Jedi, far beyond any monk. Lian could only do so much.

Luke came round everyday for a week. He grew familiar with the banter between Bodhi and Lian, as one sided as it appeared. While Lian wasn't expressive with words or facial expressions, he was easy to read once you picked up his body cues. A subtle titlt of the head, the twitch of an eyebrow, a leaning to one side or the tapping of fingers. All were wordless retorts that had Bodhi responding. Lian knew that once someone got to know him, he was very easy to read. He just didn't expect Luke to pick it up so fast. Yet when Bodhi said something about the speeder racing they'd had over the mountains of Jedha, and Lian had replied with a flick, Luke had laughed. The noise caught both of them by surprise and they turned to the blonde.

"Did Lian just infer that you were terrible at that?" Luke grinned.

"You got that?" Bodhi asked.

"Yeah. He's pretty expressive". Luke gave Lian a smile. He was still too surprised to reply.

"He is, isn't he", Bodhi chuckled. "And no. I was great at the races thank you". Lian coufhed behind his scarf and Bodhi waved a finger at him. "I only crashed once". Lian let out a low whistle. "-And the time we went over the cliff was completely your fault". Lian rolled his eyes and Bodhi deflated slightly. "I guess that one was cancelled out by you saving us from plummeting to our doom".

"How old were you?" Luke asked eagerly, seeming entertained by the story. Bodhi turned back to the open panel and exposed electrical wiring. He picked up a small pair of tweezers.

"I think I was fifteen. Lian was ten. He had brought his staff along and just as the speeder tipped over the edge of the drop, he shoved the end into a crack and we both grabbed hold. Saved us from falling fifty feet. Thogutn we dangled there w while before either of us had the strength to pull ourselves back up". He chuckled at the memory.  "My mothers tanned my hide when I got back home. Not that the monks were any easier". Lian snorted. He had been put on cleaning duty for a week.

Luke laughed. "That reminds me of the time I got lost in a sandstorm with my speeder when I was fourteen". He launched excitedly into the story, hands moving as he explained. Apparently he had been messing around and flying through the rocks south of his home when a sandstorm had hit. He had been forced to seek shelter to wait it out and by the time he got back, his aunt and uncle were furious. "Uncle Owen banned from driving for a month", Luke grinned. Then his grin faded with familiar sorrow. Grief a old friend to all of them.

A sad silence fell over them for a moment. "How did they die?" Bodhi murmured. Still fiddling with the wires.

Luke drew a breath. "Stormtroopers got to them. They set fire to the place. There was nothing left for me there".

A pause. "My ma was killed in a rebel shoot out in the market when I was fifteen", Bodhi spoke up. "A stray shot got her. Death instantly. After that my mother was never the same. She got ill when I was seventeen so I joined the academy the next year for money to buy her medicine. She lasted for a few more years but she died in her sleep when I reached twenty two. That was when I began talking to Galen Erso".

Luke hummed softly. Lian poked Bodhi on the shoulder. "Are you sure?" He asked, brown eyes calm. Lian nodded and Bodhi took a breath. This time, Bodhi out down his tools and turned to face Luke fully. "Lian wants me to tell you about him. I personally think he should be the one. It's his story and it should come from his mouth".

"Yes", Luke nodded. He turned to Lian with honest blue eyes. "Tell me when you're ready".

Lian wanted to say that he was ready. He wanted to return Luke's story with one of his own but his voice still wouldn't work. He couldn't get the words out. Bodhi sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I need more Caf. Do we have any more in here?" Lian shook his head. They had drunk the last of the supply yesterday. They had more spices but they needed the actual caffeine. Bodhi turned towards the ramp. "I'm going to go and grab some then. Be back in a few". Then his boots clanged into the metal and he was disappearing round the ship. Lian and Luke left by themselves.


I saw a headcannon that Bodhi was raised by two mums and I love that so much.

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