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"This is my friend Luke skywalker, he's the Jedi I told you about". Lian's eyes widened. Though, he should have guessed. The blonde boy had a presence in the force that he had never seen before. It made sense that he would be the Jedi trainee Leia had mentioned. He felt Bodhi shift beside him. The man pushing away his surprise.

"Um, hello. I'm Bodhi Rook. I'm the pilot. This is Lian". Bodhi awkwardly nodded. Lian shifted slightly at his name, leaning against his staff, dark eyes watching Luke.

Luke appeared to be mouthing the sounds of their names. Lips forming them a few times before he smiled at them. The grin was almost blinding. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for getting the plans. I couldn't have done it without you".

"No, um. Thanks for completing the mission", Bodhi fumbled. He gave Lian a wide eyed look, visibly out of his depth. Lian whispered into his ear and Bodhi repeated the words. "Thank you for hearing us". Luke gave them a puzzled look, eyes flitting between Lian and Bodhi. Their interaction confusing him.

"Lian doesn't like talking to strangers", Bodhi added, breaking the slight silence. "He's shy like that". Lian pulled his scarf higher over his face and cast his gaze to the floor.

"That's good", Luke smiled at him. Lian felt himself flush as the full force of that grin was directed at him. "Because I don't want to be a stranger. Leia and I want to be your friends". Her smile joined Luke's, redoubling the blinding power. There was such simple honesty in his words that Lian couldn't help but believe them. Besides, with those grins turned on them, they couldn't refuse.

Lian nudged Bodhi. "Um yeah, sure. If you want". The smiles redoubled. Lian thought that this had to be some ploy. Leia must have known that if he had met Luke then there was no way he could turn him down. The boy was a golden puppy. You didn't kick golden puppies with blinding grins and the brightness of a star in the force. Lian could feel the force urging him to say yes but the words were still stuck in his mouth. But for some reason, the taste of them was different than usual. He whispered to Bodhi and the man turned. "Now you make a decision?" He asked. Lian nodded. There was a slight twitch in his lips before Bodhi turned back to Luke and Leia. "Lian said he'd teach him. He doesn't know everything but he can try".

Leia beamed. "Thank you. I'm sure it would help".

"What do you mean?" Luke was confused.

"Have you heard of the Guardians of the Whills?" Bodhi stated. Luke shook his head. "Kyber crystals?"

"Oh! Ben said that kyber crystals resonated with the force. They powered lightsabers". Then he pulled something from his coat pocket. Lian froze. The object hummed with force. It was a handle, a hill with grip holds and buttons on the side. If he hadn't felt the force resonating with the Crystal inside then he wouldn't have recognised it. It was a lightsaber.

Lian's hands shook. He knew that lightsaber. There had been drawings and records of the Jedi back in the temple on Jedha. Records that they had hidden from the imp raids. Lian had spent a lot of time reading over them. The Jedi; name, rank, mission reports, drawing of their lightsaber, their pad-wans and their deaths. All those books were gone now, but they were still there in his mind. He shook Bodhi's shoulder, hands shaking as the words choked him. Bodhi swatted his hands away. "We need to get you a datapad. I can't keep being you interpreter". The words were without threat. Bodhi didn't mind.

Lian whispered in his ear for a long time. "Oh. Wait, what? Really?" Bodhi replied. Luke and Leia waiting patiently as the two had their moment. After a few minutes the pair were done. Bodhi cleared his throat. "The guardians of the Whills were, are a order of monks who looked after the kyber temples in Jedha. Lian is the last of their order".

"Ben mentioned something about other force sensitive groups other than the Jedi", Luke voiced.

"Ben, as in Ben Kenobi. Obi Wan Kenobi?" Luke and Leia blinked in surprise. "I have no idea who that is", Bodhi added. "Lian knows. There were records of the Jedi back at the temples. He remembers some of it. He said that your lightsaber belonged to Anakin Skywalker". Luke gaped. He turned the hilt over in his hands for a moment before looking up at Lian with unreadable eyes.

"I asked him if he would teach you", Leia said. Luke looked round at them.

"He can't teach you how to be a Jedi", Bodhi coughed. "Lian has made that pretty clear to me. But he said that he can teach you about the Jedi and more about the force if you want to learn".

"Yes!" Luke stepped closer, practically vibrating and blue eyes wide. "I would love to know more". Lian blinked at the eagerness and big blue eyes. He looked between Bodhi and Leia for help. Bodhi seemed at a loss and Leia was trying hard not to laugh. He tugged his scarf up as if to shield him from the brightness. Luke caught the action and flushed, cheeks going rosey. "Oh, sorry. Did I overwhelm you?"

Lian also blushed. He could feel his cheeks growing warm. He met Luke's gaze then immediately had to turn away. If he held his stare for too long, he felt like he was going to do something stupid, like speak gibberish or touch him. If Chirrut could see this, he would be laughing. Bodhi was hiding a grin and Lian narrowed his eyes at him. The older man put on a innocent look that didn't fool him. Lian hissed at him and Bodhi sniggered. "Lian says to come back after lunch tomorrow", Bodhi announced. "We'll talk more about this then. We're going back to bed. Goodnight".

"Goodnight", Luke waved. Leia echoed it with a smile. As Lian and Bodhi turned and began heading back towards their cabin, they heard a scuffle and a gasp. Lian glanced back just in time to see Leia elbow Luke in the ribs. The blonde holding his hands up in surrender. Beneath his scarf, Lian felt himself smile.


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