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It took three trips with a pushable hover cart, dodging imperial patrols and making their way through the back streets of the city before they loaded up all the supply crates. Bodhi had lead them back to the ship first before remaining back to keep guard as they went for the rest of the crates. Garret and Lag pushing the hovercart with Anoli pulling it in front while Feylinn and Lian kept watch for stormtroopers. Lian was lighter on his feet, quicker and much more agile than them so he scouted ahead, doubling back and letting them change direction. He may have never been to the city before but he had a very good sense of direction. He trusted in the force and it led them right.

Bodhi let out a notable sigh of relief when they appeared with the last of the crates. The night was breaking into the hint of grey that signalled sunrise and they were cutting it close. "Good job", Feylinn commented as Garret and Lag squeezed the crates into the remaining space in their hull. Their ship was designed for short cargo runs and those crates were big, each at least half of Lian's height tall and wider than his shoulders. He gave the two men a hand pushing it in, sweat sticking to his back with the effort.

"Thank you", Bodhi huffed, exhausted from the loading as Lian rubbed the sweat from his face with a handkerchief of scrap material. "We shall be going then".

"Yes. You boys should go before the sun is fully up", Garret nodded. It was the first time the man had spoken the whole night and his voice was not as deep as Lian had expected it to be.

"May the force be with you", Lag smiled at them as they all shook hands.

"And also with you", Bodhi replied Lian nodded.

"Stay safe", Anoli parted as Feylinn inclined her head. The older woman didn't seem to need to say goodbye so with that, the four rebels turned back to the city. Bodhi watched their shadows fade into the gloom before turning to Lian. The short haired male had bent down to press his hands to the dirt. The jungle around them basking in the life of the force and he was taking a second to bask in it before they had to leave.

"It's so green", Bodhi murmured. "Greener than Yavin".

Lian hummed as he stood up and disappeared into the ship. Bodhi walking after him and heading for the cockpit. The monk found what he was looking for quickly and passed the pilot on the way back down the ramp. Bodhi paused and waited as he watched Lian scoop dirt into a cup before moving into the edge of the clearing. Flowers with pale white petals littered the base of some trees. They were small, almost dainty. Lian knelt and pulled out his data pad to scan them. Satisfied that they weren't poisonous or dangerous, he gently unearthed a plant before burying the roots in the cup. It reminded him of the greenhouses of Jedha. The rich had owned their owned private ones but the city council had a few green houses for the cultivation of crops. They had never been big enough to feed the city but they were lovely anyway.

"Who's that for?" Bodhi asked as the younger man returned. Lian didn't answer but the other man hadn't really been expecting a reply. "Come on. Let's go". The pilot pressed the button to close the ramp and headed up into the cockpit. "Once we're out of orbit, you take first watch", he called over his shoulder as he climbed the stairs.

Lian took a few minutes to go down into their little bedroom and tuck the cup in between a few objects so that it wouldn't knock over during the flight. The little white flower so small. Then he climbed back up to the cockpit as the engines began to hum as they powered up. Bodhi was in the pilot's seat and flicking switches as the ship began to lift from the clearing. The wings folding down as they ascended. "Ready to go back?" He asked s Lian buckle himself in to the copilot chair. They had only been on Onderon for a night but they had two or three days of flying to get back to the rebellion. Lian nodded as they pulled away from the planet and into the air.


Luke had just returned from an attack on a imperial base in the inner rim with the rouge squadron. His blonde hair was rumbled from his helmet and his pilot's uniform of orange jumpsuit was half undone and tied around his waist to expose the white vest underneath. Artoo was beeping at him as he inspected his x-wing. Someone had been lucky to get a few glancing shots off the sides and there were a few scorch marks. The droid next to him was complaining very verdantly about one that had come way too close to it for comfort. Luke was tired and drained from missions and lack of decent food. The rebellion were running low on rations and Rouge one had not been the only ship sent out for supplies.

He was so tired that all he wants to do is find his bed and collapse into it for ten hours. Since Bodhi and Lian had left a week ago, it had been practise and missions and fixing anything that he could. He missed the spiced Caf and the scent of incense that wafted from Rouge one's hull. It was probably because of his exhaustion that left him less aware than usual but he was soon snapped back into awareness at the distant rumble of engines as a ship landed on the edge of the flight bay. People were gathering as he looked up to see familiar folded wings, feet moving before the hull had even began to open. Bodhi appeared first, dressed in worn clothes in shades of brown with his usual goggles on top of his head. Luke watched as the lanky man stepped down the ramp and began directing the people around them towards the crates. It was with audible excitement as the pilots and mechanics in the bay began to all unload the crates together, eager at the fresh food.

Luke wriggled his way between the people around them as he drew closer to the ship. "Hey Luke", Bodhi lifted a hand and waved.

"Hey", Luke greeted with a smile as he stepped up the ramp. "How was it?"

"Easy", Bodhi grinned. He looked fine, a bit tired but relatively good. "Lian is asleep. We brushed past a few starships and he was awake for a day keeping an eye on the force so that no one was following us. He's probably dead to the world". Luke's shoulders may have sagged in slight relief at knowing that the monk's absence wasn't a bad thing. "Go right ahead. I'll just finish this and report to Leia". The other pilot patted him on the shoulder and gave him a shove towards the hatch to their bedroom. Luke was too tired to argue.

The bedroom was small, the space having been made smaller than before by the extension of the fresher. The bed on the right was empty with the blankets folded at the end. It was neat and ordered. The other bed was less so. Lian was half sat up, blinking sleepily. He was wearing nothing but a cotton vest and trousers, hair rumpled and tired bags under his eyes. His side of the room had less stuff but his clothes were half folded over the edge of the bed where he must have kicked them in his sleep. His staff was laid out on the floor next to the bunk and the blankets were strewn over his knees. The familiar red scarf half stinking out from under his pillow. Luke stood still for a second. In the dim red lighting of the room he could see the shadow of the burn scars across Lian's exposed shoulder and up his neck where it flared across his jaw and cheek. He hadn't known that the burns were that extensive. It made sense why Lian had spent so many weeks in Bacta.

Lian made a noise. A questioning, sleepy hum. "Luke?" He asked, voice slightly raspy from sleep. He glanced over Luke's figure, taking in how tired the blonde boy was. Wordlessly, he held out a hand. Luke slumped forwards and yawned deeply.

"Hi. Just wanted to say hello. I'll let you go back to sleep now", he gestured at the door. Lian shook his head and shifted to the side of his bed, waving. "You want me to come closer?" Luke felt himself blush. The dark eyes man nodded and the blonde snuffed forwards until Lian could grab at the orange flight suit. His force presence comforting like a blanket. Luke half flopped down and gave up. He kicked off his shoes and without thinking his flight suit. The thermal leggings underneath and his vest all that was left as he laid out at the other man's side. Lian hummed and pulled him close, long limbs wrapping around the blonde and tucking him in. The taller boy tucking the blonde under his chin as he closed his eyes again. They fell asleep like that. Force signatures soothing out and intertwining as they slumbered.


Aren't they cute?

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