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Scarif was a tropical planet. Lian wasn't expecting the warm sea breeze or the golden beaches when the hold doors opened. It seemed almost ironic, that this mission would be at a place that seemed like something Lian had only ever imagined before. The little green and gold island looked like something from an off world holiday advertisement, not a imperial archives centre. It was pretty. It was warm and the sea was soft on the sands. Lian decide that this wasn't the worst place to die. He wouldn't mind it if he died here. Better a beautiful beach rather than a frozen tundra. (Also there was that rumour that Darth Vader hated sand so he doubted that the sith would join this fight. The thought of a Sith Lord hating sand made Lian giggle).

Jyn climbed down from the cockpit to face them all. She stared at them clearly, with fear in her eyes yet determination and anger too. "Sol Gerrera used to say that one fighter with a sharp stick and nothing left to lose can take the day. They have no idea we're coming. They have no reason to expect us. If we can make it to the ground them we can take the next chance and the next, on and on until we win, or the chances are spent. The Death Star plans are down there. Cassian, K2 and I will find them. We'll find a way to find them.". She turned and nodded at Cassian.

He looked round at their small group of twenty men. "Melshi, Pao". Two men stood up at the sound of their names. "Blaze, Chirrut. You'll take the main squad. Move east and get wide of the ship. Find a position between here and the tower. Once you get to the best spot, light the place up. Make ten men feel like a hundred". The men all grinned in agreement. "And get those troopers away from us".

"What shall I do?" Bodhi asked.

"Keep the engine running", Cassian instructed. "You're our only way out of here".

Lian stood and wandered over. "I will stay with Bodhi", he murmured, sharing a quick glance with Chirrut. The man nodded at him. "Bodhi will need someone who can fight and I need someone who can fire a blaster".

Cassian and Jyn nodded. "Don't attract attention", Cassian remained. Lian smiled and tugged his scarf up over his nose.

"When do I attract attention?" Bhodi snorted and Lian's eyes crinkled. The two childhood friends shared a look and laughed slightly.


The ship landed and the inspection party boarded. Bodhi successfully lured them down where the rebels swiftly disposed of them and stole their uniforms for Cassian and Jyn. They changed swiftly right there in the hull, neither having the time for decency. Jyn was just strapping on her weapons when Blaze put a hand on her shoulder. She turned and he patted lightly. "Good luck", he murmured. "Little sister". Jyn smiled at him.

"Told you he was secretly loving", Chirrut whispered to Lian.

"You've been telling me for years. I know".

They were interrupted by Bodhi's voice. "Go! Go now, you're clear!"

One of the rebels opened the hatch on the floor of the ship and they began to drop through. Lian hurried over to Jyn before she could leave and caught her in a hug. She froze for a moment before hugging him back. Her small height mean that her head was buried in his shoulder. "May the force be with you", Lian whispered. "Sister". They separated and she smiled at him before dropping through.

As Cassian passed, Lian reached out to grip his forearm. Cassian gripped back and spared the boy a smile. "Good luck to you too", he murmured.

"Be safe", Cassian replied, before he too had disappeared. Shortly after they had dropped under the ship, it was Chirrut and Blaze's turn. Lian bit back the fear and wrapped his adoptive fathers in a hug.

"Trust in the force", Chirrut reminded.

"Don't loose your staff, let Bodhi do the shooting", Blaze added.

"Thanks you", Lian sighed. "May the force be with you", he said to Chirrut. Then to Blaze he added, "hopefully your guns don't jam".

"Womp rat", Blaze chuckled as he dropped down the hatch. He held up a arm to help Chirrut.

"I am one with the force and the force it with me", Chirrut nodded at him. Lian repeated the words back and watched as Chirrut dropped down the hatch with a swish of his robes. Steeling himself, Lian grabbed his staff and climbed up into the main part of the ship to join Bodhi. They had a job to do.


It was anxiety building, sitting in the cock pit of the ship with Bodhi and waiting for the chaos to start. Each second seemed like an age. Apart form the two of them, there was only one other rebel still on the ship. He was a young man named Jul and was positioned down below to keep watch through one of the windows. Lian and Bodhi were keeping view of the base form above, the comm laid between them to pick up on any transmissions.

"Melchi, Melchi", Cassian's voice echoed through the little speaker. "Come in".


"Are you in place".

"Yes. Bombs laid". Lian sat forwards and peered eagerly through the glass, Bodhi doing the same.

"Good. Light them up". At Cassian's words several explosions boomed. Lian could see black smoke rising in the distance as all the storm troopers nearby began running towards the scene.

"Come on!" Bodhi pumped his fist in the air. More booms sounded dimly, noise blocked by the walls of the ship and lian counted five more smoke clouds. All from different parts of island. He laughed.

"Troopers on the left!" jul called up.

"Hide!" Bodhi called down. Lian and him ducked down under the console so that only their eyes were peering out. They watched as a squad of troopers jogged past. Their white helmets completely ignoring the ship as they headed towards the smoke. Lian relaxed slightly at the sight of their plan working. He knew that it wouldn't last for long, but there would be a next chance and they will take that too.


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