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Lian followed Jyn too the landing bay where Blaze and Chirrut were waiting. Both men leaning on the hull of their ship. Blaze stood up as Jyn approached. "You don't look happy", he announced.

Jyn sighed. "They prefer to surrender".

"And you?"

"She wants to fight", Chirrut answered.

"So do I. We all do", Bodhi stated. Lian was standing at his shoulder. He looked over at Jyn and nodded, signalling that what Bodhi said included him too. He wanted to fight. He didn't want what happened to Jedha to happen again.

"The force is strong", Chirrut proclaimed. Lian nodded at that too.

"I'm not sure that five of us is quite enough", Jyn sighed.

"How many do we need?" Lian asked. Jyn blinked at him.

"What are you talking about?" Lian gestured to the group of men rapidly forming behind her. Jyn turned to face Cassian as the men approached. Cassian smiled softly at them, almost sheepishly.

"They were never going to believe you", he said.

"I appreciated the support", Jyn replied sarcastically.

But Cassian hadn't finished. "But I do". He took a step forwards. "I believe you". Jyn fell silent as she stared at him for a long moment.

"We'd like to volunteer", Cassian voiced suddenly, breaking his moment with Jyn. "Some of us, well most of us. We've all done terrible things on behalf of the rebellion. Spies, saboteurs, assassins. Everything I did, I did for the rebellion and every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget. I told myself that it was for chase that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that we're lost. Everything we've done would have been for nothing. I couldn't face myself is I gave you now. None of us could". There was a moment of silence and a small smile slowly spread across Jyn's face.

"It won't be comfortable", Bodhi warned. "It would be a bit cramped but we'd all fit. We could go".

Cassian grinned. "Okay", he turned to the men gathered behind him. "We're up. Grab anything that's not nailed down". The men scattered. Chirrut and Blaze began to head inside the ship. Bodhi running over to do a quick diagnostics check. Lian stepped forwards towards Jyn.

"Jyn", she turned to see K2 standing a few feet away. "I'll be there for you. Cassian said I have to". Then the droid was moving off.

Lian snorted. "He has a way with words", he remarked. Jyn looked up at him, her small frame only reached his chin.

She frowned at him. "You know, I am still not used to you taking now". Lian smiled at her over his scarf.

"Better get used to it fast. I like talking to friends".

Jyn laughed. "That's good. Me too". Lian grinned and looked up. Cassian was approaching. Seeing him, Lian decided to give him and Jyn a moment and turned to head towards the ship.


Bodhi was right, it was crowded. The fifteen men that had volunteered to come with them were all squashed into the hold along with any supplies they had managed to bring. Lian managed to find a seat on a crate full of god knows what. He crossed his legs and laid his staff across them as he closed his eyes. Next to him, Chirrut was doing the same. Both of them falling into the comforting rounds of meditation as they felt the ship lurch into the air.

It was a few hours of flight before Chirrut broke meditation. Lian felt it when the man moved. He blinked open his eyes and turned to his mentor questioningly. Chirrut sighed and leaned closer, one hand beaconing Blaze over to join them. The other man grunted and shuffled over. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly so that none of the other men in the hold could hear them.

"The force has told me things", Chirrut murmured. Lian leaned in closer. "We may not come out of this one".

Blaze snorted. "We escaped Jedha, I'd say that we've come pretty far".

Chirrut nodded and reached out a hand. Blaze took it in both of his and pressed his lips to the knuckles. Lian blinked in surprise. It was often that the two men showed their affections like that in public. What Chirrut had seen must have been strong. Lian shifted closer, sudden anxiety and fear filling his lungs. He was scared. Chirrut must have felt it because he held out his other hand. Lian took it and Chirrut raise his hand to his forehead. The blind man pressing the back of Lian's hand to his forehead. It was a sign of respect. A motion that was often done to older monks at the temple, those higher in rank than you. Lian gasped in surprise.

"Chirrut, what"-

"You are a good guardian Lian", Chirrut spoke calmly. "It has been an honour to be your mentor. You have been like a son to me. To us". He squeezed Blaze's fingers. The man looked confused but he didn't disagree. In fact, he nodded.

"He's right".

Chirrut smiled. "Ha, finally got you to admit it. He didn't want to seem too fatherly towards you".

"Hey", Blaze shot back. "The kid grew up with lots of father figures".

Lian looked between them then chuckled. "Thank you, you two have been probably my most reliable father figures".

Chirrut nodded proudly. "Glad to know. Master Bali was always too much of a crazy grandpa". Lian laughed at the reminder. The humour mixing with the still aching grief in his chest. Blaze snorted, muttering in agreement. For a minute the three of them smiled. Then Chirrut turned to Lian with a serious expression.

"Promise me that your will stay with Bodhi".

"But Bodhi is staying on the ship. I can fight", Lian protested.

"That you can, but there's going to be a lot of shooting and you're shit with blasters", Blaze pointed out. Lian scowled at him at the reminder, any loving family feelings now gone and replaced with the familiar annoyance. The man chuckled at the look. "Face it Lian. You're worse than Chirrut and he's blind".

"I am right here", Chirrut pointed out, waving their joined hands. "But Blaze is right". Lian gave him an offended look.

"But why do I need to stay on the ship?"

"Because Bodhi has no idea how to use a blaster and is also terrible at hand to hand combat. Also, the force tells me that you are needed with him". Lian opened his mouth to question further but shut it again. The force was mysterious and elusive. If he was needed with Bodhi, then that was where he would be.

Above them, Bodhi's voice rung out on the intercom. "We have been granted entry and are now descending on scarif". Around them the rebels began getting their weapons ready. Lian stood and let go of Chirrut to grip the handle of his staff. He took a deep breath. He could do this.


Supernova || Luke Skywalkerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें