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The first time Lian woke up he was dimly aware that he was screaming. His whole body was blazing and there was some sticky substance on his hands and face. He couldn't open his eyes. There were hands holding him down as voices whispered in his ears. It hurt. It hurt. It burned and it ached. His face felt like fire but his back felt like it had been torn apart, like his skin had been peeled off. There were things tugging at the skin and he was still screaming. He only stopped screaming when he passed out again.

The second time he woke up the pain had dulled. He was no longer screaming. Someone must have given him some sort of drugs as everything was hazy. The voices sounded like they were underwater and the light sparkled when he opened his eyes. He couldn't make out faces but there was a urgency in the way that they fluttered around him. There was a sense of movement and suddenly the fire was back. This time he didn't scream before he was slipping back into unconsciousness.

The third time it was him who was underwater. He was first aware of being weightless, submerged in a liquid like substance. A breather was clasped round his mouth to give him breath. For a moment he kept his eyes closed. Just simply relying on the feel of the air in his lungs and the blissful absence of pain. He didn't know how long it had been but for what felt like the first time in a while, he wasn't on fire. It took a few minutes until his fingers twitched and he was stirring. The liquid was heavier than water, more like a gloopy wet gel. He was in a bacta tank. He had only heard about these. They were expensive medical treatments that the poor people on Jedha could never afford. Lian blinked open his eyes and suddenly felt like he was in a fish tank.

Blurry figures began moving on the other side of the glass. His sight was hindered by the bacta but he thought that he recognised Bodhi jumping to his feet and pressing a button on the wall. (Only one person he knew was that skinny with that hairstyle ). Lian reached a hand out and Bodhi stepped closer to the glass. Behind him, a few figures in white rushed into view. They began scuttling round the tank, forcing Bodhi back. Lian felt someone pull him up. His head breaking the surface as he was hoisted by several pairs of hands in to the air. Just as their faces became visible, he lost consciousness again. The light fading out as his eyes slid shut.

The fourth time he awoke he was in a bed this time. Starch white sheets and grey stone walls that swam into focus after a few blinks. Bodhi was snoring in a chair at his bedside. His feet propped at the edge of the bed, head lolling as he snored. His long hair was unbound and it lay over his face. The strands wet and curling over his neck. He wore a set of clothes that were obviously not his, the brown trousers were too baggy and his shirt sleeves were too short. A black jacket was slung over his chair. Lian looked around but there was no one else in the hospital room. Only a medical droid in the corner. It beeped to life and hovered over as he sat up.

His muscles ached and he groaned as he pushed himself up. His back felt itchy and the skin strangely tight. It tugged as he moved and he bit his lip. "Do you require some assistance?" The droid asked in a mechanical voice. "A doctor has been alerted and is on their way". Lian nodded and looked down at himself. His robes were gone and had been replaced with a white medical gown. His staff was also missing and he tried not to panic at that fact.

"Bodhi", he called. Bodhi frowned and yawned.


"What?" He mumbled.

"Bodhi!" Lian snapped. "For Farrick's sake, wake up".

Bodhi blinked at him half asleep. Then his eyes widened and he sat up suddenly, feet hitting the floor with a thud. "Lian! You're awake. Oh thank force! Doctor, I should get a doctor".

"A doctor is on their way", the medical droid responded. Bodhi blinked uncertainly.

"Right. Good". Then he turned back to Lian with pure relief on his face. "You're awake".

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