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*your pov*

i woke up with a little headache and my body was in pain. ouch i said as i was trying to sit up. i looked around and noticed i was in the infirmary. "we'll look who decided to wake up" i turned my head and saw tay and the others.

"how long have i been out for?" i questioned. "a week and a half" amber said. i looked at her with wide eyes. "wait how" i asked. "you don't remember?" i looked down and shook my head no. "you hit your head on the sink in the bathroom you had a really bad concussion which made you be in a coma for a little" tay said. that's when it all hit me. flashbacks of ari and billie together. me balling my eyes out over it. purposely throwing up my food for days.

"y/n? Y/N!?" i jumped at my name being screamed. "girls your gonna annoy the other pa-" the nurse froze when she saw i was awake. "we'll she's finally out of her slumber. goodmorning sleeping beauty" the nurse said. i smiled at her comment. "goodmorning" i said back. "how are you feeling you okay?" yea i'm good just a little headache that's all. "we'll that's good now that your awake and well i have no reason to keep you any longer, here are your clothes...and everyday you need to come down here for your medicine and daily check up okay?"

i nodded my head yes not wanting to say what was on my mind. everyone left the room letting me put on my clothes. i walked to the mirror in my room and i look better than i did a couple days ago. my bags were gone. i gained some of my weight back.i smiled at myself but the smile immediately dropped when i thought about billie and ari but mostly billie. i went to the nurse and asked her where my friends went. she told me they went back to the block and that they will meet me there.

i started to walk away when i turned around. "did any one else come here to see me besides my friends" the nurse said. "no but the warden would come here whenever he could to make sure your okay" she said with a little smile. that wasn't the answer i was looking for but that's fine ig. "okay thank you" i smiled before walking away. "billie really didn't come see me this whole time?" i said to myself.

i reached the block and saw that no one was inside. "where is everyone?" i asked the guard. "they are in the yard the warden wanted to talk with everybody about something 10 mins ago but he hasn't arrived yet." the guard said. i was confused but i walked out into the yard and all head turned to me. i looked around for my friends but couldn't fine them. "yo we over here" i turned my head and saw tay,amber and mia. i smiled and walked over to them.

"so we all wanted to apologize for what we said to you...we didn't know how wrong we were until you stopped talking to us. so we're sorry and we would want to be best friends again" i looked at them and read there facial expressions and i could tell they were truly sorry. "it's okay guys i was in the wrong to and i'm sorry i really am. i was to busy thinking about billie and what she said i never knew that i would lose my best friends in the process" i looked at them and they all had there lip pouted. "awww" they said in unison. i laughed and shook my head. "ew don't make me take it back" i said trying to sound disgusted. i looked at them and we all started laughing.

"ughh we missed your laugh so much." "it's like music to our ears." tay said. i looked at them and smiled. "you should really check up on your friend ari. she looks like she hasn't been doing well." i looked at amber and turned my head seeing ari under the tree we met drawing in her book. she looked exhausted and drained. i pursued my lips to the side and got up walking towards her. "um can i sit here" she looked up at me with tears falling down her face and she was in shock. "hi" i said with a little smile .

-just back for my monthly post.😁no promises that the next chapter will be posted tmr or tonight so yea. also im losing all motivation in this book😭💀

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