Ch. 3 Pack Mentality

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THE NEXT MONDAY CAME ALONG AND AYLA BEGRUDGINGLY HEADED TO SCHOOL. She knew she was going to have to deal with Scott and she wasn't looking forward to it. Which was why she had Lydia pick her up and entered the school with the strawberry blonde. Lydia had even decided that she was picking her new friend's outfit out.

Most of Ayla's closet was made up of black, partly by her choice, partly by her mother's and Derek's. She had picked up a habit of stealing the more revealing peices her mother owned when she was thirteen and now all her mother's clothes were hers. Not to mention the fact that if she didn't feel like dressing up, she would just steal one of Derek's black T-shirts because they were huge on her small frame.

Today, however, Lydia had put Ayla in one of the strawberry blonde's outfits. The raven haired girl had on a deep green top, jeans, and high heeled boots. Ayla couldn't remember the last time she had worn heels.

"I still can't believe you missed the game because you were in jail," Lydia said as the two stood at Ayla's locker.

"Oh, it was a fun night," Ayla told her.

"We need a night out," Lydia told her.

Ayla raised an eyebrow at her. "Really?"

"Yes, but first we need to find you someone," Lydia told her.

Ayla smiled. "Lydia, the male options are honestly pretty tragic and the only other person at this sad, little school who has proudly exited the closet is Danny," she told her.

"You have to have seen someone since school started," Lydia told her as the two began to walk to class.

Ayla frowned as only one person came to mind. One who not only was with someone else, but had also won the crown of biggest asshole in her book on Friday. "Nope," she said.

Lydia sighed in disappointment. "Fine, I'll look myself," she said with a smirk.

Ayla rolled her eyes. "I have to get to class," she told the other girl, moving towards the corner.

Lydia nodded. "Bye," she called.

"Bye," Ayla told her, rounding the corner. Her brown eyes almost immediately collided with Scott's. She saw the werewolf's expression change and knew he was about to head straight for her. She turned to go in the opposite direction. She was fine with being late. She wasn't fine with talking to him.

"Ayla," he called, but she kept walking. "Ayla, please." He reached out to grab her arm, having to use werewolf strength just to keep her from yanking herself free. "I'm sorry about your mom."

Suddenly, the she-wolf had shoved him back against the closest wall. Her eyes were glowing and he could feel her claws digging into his chest as she held him against the wall. "Do not mention my mother," she practically growled.

Scott stared at her. Even when he had seen her golden eyes on the full moon and the black wolf running off into the woods, he had never seen her as threatening. Which wasn't surprising, given her small size and the way that she typically had a crooked smile on her face. But the girl in front of him right now was very threatening.

Not wanting people to see, Ayla let her eyes and nails return to normal. "Let me make something clear, I'm not Derek. For some reason, he feels responsible for you and wants to help you. I just tried playing nice because I knew what it was like to feel like you're alone. That's now over. You wanted me as the bad guy? Fine. I am," she told him, walking away.

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