Ch. 6 Heart Monitor

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AYLA LIKED TO THINK OF HERSELF AS A SEMI NICE PERSON. But as she hid currently, she was completely aware of how sadistic it was of her to be enjoying this.

Derek was trying to train Scott, so he had decided to scare the new beta and see how he reacted. The three of them were currently in a parking garage. Scott was carrying several bags to his car. He suddenly dropped a bottle out of one, it rolled under a nearby car and straight to the Hales. Derek slashed his claws through the side of it, before rolling it back to Scott.

Ayla smiled in amusement as Derek growled, making Scott go running for his life. Derek of course chased after him, running on all fours to trick Scott into thinking he was being chased by the alpha.

Scott set off several car alarms trying to loose him, finally doing so after a few moments. Ayla closed her eyes, using her supernatural hearing to try to find him. It wasn't exactly difficult as she heard his phone begin ringing. "No. No, stop," Scott said in a panicked voice. He rushed to turn it off, just as Ayla jumped onto the car he was hiding behind.

Using her supernatural strength, she pulled Scott up and slammed him onto the hood of the car. He grunted in pain, before looking up at her in surprise. "Ayla?" he asked in confusion.

"Hi," she greeted with a smile.

"And you're dead," Derek said. Both teenagers turned to look at him. He sent his niece a look and she rolled her eyes as she moved off of Scott.


"What the hell was that?" Scott wondered as the three walked through the parking garage.

"I said I was gonna teach you. I didn't say when," Derek told him.

"You scared the crap out of me!" Scott yelled at him.

"Not yet," Derek told him.

"Okay, but I was fast, right?" Scott asked them.

"You were lucky that he was the one chasing you," Ayla informed him.

"But the car alarm thing, that was smart, right?" Scott asked.

"Till your phone rang," Derek told him.

"Yeah, but that was... I mean... Would you two just stop?" Scott asked, as he came to a halt. Both Hales turned towards him, stopping. "What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this."

"Look, we are what we are because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. Hell, me and Laura have been teaching her for three years and she still doesn't know what she's doing," Derek told him.

Ayla smiled. "Thanks for reminding me of my never ending control issues," she muttered.

"I don't even know if I can teach you," Derek told Scott.

"What do I have to do?" Scott asked him.

"You have to get rid of distractions," Derek told him. Ayla just crossed her arms over her chest, waiting to see where this went. Derek took Scott's phone from him, holding it up. On the screen it displayed the fact that Scott had missed a call from Allison. "You see this? This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her," he said.

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