Ch. 6 Frenemy

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OF COURSE, DEREK WENT AFTER THE KANIMA WHICH THEY NOW KNEW WAS JACKSON. Boyd took Isaac and Erica home, while Allison took a very confused and freaked out Lydia home. Scott and Stiles took off in Stiles' jeep, while Ayla chased after both her uncle and the kanima on foot. She wasn't sure if you could kill a kanima the same way you killed a werewolf, but she didn't want to find out from Derek ripping it's throat out. Whether she liked Jackson or not, she didn't want him dead.

So she followed Derek who followed the kanima. The two eventually chased it under a bridge near the ironworks, where it disappeared. Ayla tried to catch her breath as she came a halt behind her uncle. "Where'd it go?" she asked, only to hear it drop onto the ground behind them. Both Hales turned to face the creature, which hissed at them. Derek growled at it, running at the kanima. Ayla sighed, quickly joining the fight to try to keep them from killing each other.


The kanima repeatedly slashed its claws out, making Ayla jump backwards to avoid getting hit by them. Derek ran towards the two, kicking the kanima back into a wall and away from the younger Hale. He moved to punch it, but the kanima ducked and his fist collided with the concrete support beam.

The kanima then ran up the support beam, leaving both Hales to watch it from below. It hit a fuse box with it's tail, sending sparks flying all around the three of them. It then leaped at the two Hales as they shielded themselves from the sparks. It tossed both to the side and started to move towards them only for a car to come to a screeching halt behind it.

The kanima turned and roared at the hunters who had just shown up, right before being shot multiple times by Chris Argent. During that time, Derek pulled Ayla to her feet and both took off running to avoid getting into a fight with hunters.


The two Hales tracked the creature to a club once it ran away from the hunters. "Why would it come here?" Derek asked as the two tried to find a way in.

"Because Jackson's best friend, Danny, comes here," Ayla told him.

"And you know this why?" Derek asked.

The teenager frowned. "Well, I don't come here with him," she said.

Derek just sighed. "You go to gay clubs with him," he realized.

"I mean, I obviously go to the one that also has women but umm, maybe," she admitted.

"So this is what you do when you sneak out?" Derek asked as the two broke in through a back door.

"Look, I need one friend who isn't straight or a supernatural creature," she told him.

He just shook his head at her as the two made their way inside. "Oh, God," Derek muttered as he realized that Ayla was the only girl in the entire place.

The she-wolf smiled. "I see no problem," she said, glancing around. She spotted a guy dressed in drag that she recognized from another club she had been to with Danny.

"Oh, hey!" he called, giving her a smile. He spotted Derek. "Cute friend!"

Ayla laughed as she saw the look on her uncle's face. "Let's find him already," Derek told her.

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