Ch. 12 Master Plan

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BOTH SCOTT AND ISAAC GOT CHANGED OUT OF THEIR LACROSSE UNIFORMS. Melissa had left with the ambulance that was taking Jackson's body so that she could help figure out what was going on. Ayla stayed, joining both her friends in the locker room once most of the team had changed. The three teenagers were talking to the Sheriff.

"I've got to meet with the medical examiner, and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means..." he trailed off, looking at the ground. "Well, I don't know what that means. Look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any of the three of you see him..."

"We'll call you," Isaac promised.

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him," Scott assured him.

"Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" the Sheriff asked him. Scott nodded and the man walked off.

Ayla sighed once he had. She was pretty sure she would be less worried if anyone other than Stiles was missing. The two weren't incredibly close, but he was her friend. Her friend who was human and was about the least threatening person she knew.

Coach walked over to them. "McCall. We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up," he told Scott.

"Yeah, I know, Coach," Scott said.

"I mean, I- I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but you know, that's different. It's Greenberg. I'm just saying we... I need you on the team. Get your grades back up," Coach told him.

"I will," Scott told him.

"I know," Coach said, leaving the locker room.

"Is that everyone?" Ayla asked.

"I think so," Isaac said, looking around the locker room. He turned around when he heard the sound of metal being twisted. Scott had torn the door off of Stiles' locker. "You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asked as Scott grabbed a few items from Stiles' locker.

"The three of us are," Ayla told him as Scott handed her a T-shirt from the locker.

"How come she gets a shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac wondered as Scott handed him his item.

"Because she can kick both our asses," Scott told him.

Ayla rolled her eyes at him, before noticing something. "Please tell me you killed him," she said, turning around to face Derek. Both Scott and Isaac turned his way in surprise, glancing at Ayla in confusion.

"It seems that he's decided that you'll have to do it yourself this time," Peter told her, stepping into the room.

Scott stared at the man. "Holy shit," he said, moving forward to stand next to Ayla. "What the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station," Derek told him.

"Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom, along with your niece. I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?" Scott asked.

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