Ch. 12 Formality

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THE REST OF THE NIGHT WAS SPENT LOOKING AFTER SCOTT WHO COULDN'T SEEM TO REMAIN CONSCIOUS. Deaton had gotten the wound bandaged at this point and said that they just needed to let him rest now. A couple times Scott seemed to be waking up, only to mutter something and pass right back out.

Deaton had told Ayla that she could leave or even go find a place in the back to sleep. She didn't bother to do either. The electric buzzing that she heard every time she started to nod off told her that she didn't want to let her dreams come again. She knew it had to be Derek, but she was fully aware that she wouldn't be able to get him out all on her own.

So she instead just stayed next to Scott, reminding him that he was okay everytime he started to wake up again.

"So you came out there because of a dream?" Deaton asked. He had stayed quiet most of the night, probably in hopes that Ayla would give up waiting and go get some rest herself. She hadn't, however, and now the sun was rising.

"Uh, yeah. It's almost like a vision, I guess. I fall asleep and see something that's about to happen. Could be in a few hours. Could be in a few weeks. This one I just knew was happening then," she told him.

Deaton nodded, watching her curiously. "And what do you see?" he wondered.

Ayla frowned, giving him a tired shrug. "Uh, something I'll see later or something that will happen to a family member later," she explained.

"Is it always from your own perspective?" Deaton asked.

The Hale sent him a look, not sure why he was questioning her suddenly. "Not exactly. I'm usually walking through something that'll happen to either me or someone close to me," she answered.

"But you saw Scott?" he asked.

"Yeah," Ayla muttered.

"Is that the first time that's happened?" he further questioned.

"No," Ayla admitted.

Deaton nodded with an almost knowing look. She wasn't sure what everyone's fascination with her relationship with Scott was and it was kind of annoying. But before she could say anything, Deaton's expression changed. "Well, you would be the first seer I've met," he told her.

Ayla gave him a confused look. "Seer?"

"It's rare to find one nowadays, but there used to be families of them. Most were human families who just had one pop up in each generation. But every once in a while, direct descendants of powerful werewolf alphas would have a similar gift," Deaton explained.

"Grandma Talia," Ayla realized.

Deaton nodded. "You look a lot like she did at your age," he informed her.

Ayla frowned, about to ask how he had known her. But Scott suddenly sat up, and all her attention shifted. "Hey," she said, helping him up.

"Welcome back to the land of the conscious," Deaton told him, walking over to the two.

Ayla still had a hold of Scott's hand and she felt his grip on hers tighten as he tried to stand up. "Hey, you okay?" she asked as she helped keep him from falling.

Scott blinked a few times and tried to say something but nothing came out. "Maybe you should sit down, huh?" Deaton asked, chuckling.

Ayla started to help the other werewolf back onto the table, but then all of them heard the bell at the front ring. "Hello?" Deaton called. They heard the door close, but no one responded. The vet then moved towards the front, but both werewolves stopped him. They knew exactly who had entered. Deaton just gave them a reassuring smile and walked towards the front.

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