Ch. 13 Code-Breaker

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A/N: Happy New Year!


ALL OF AYLA'S FRIENDS HAD DISAPPEARED THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT, WHICH SHE WAS HOPING WAS A GOOD THING. Given that Danny also seemed to have been ditched as the night went on, him and Ayla eventually just ended up drinking together and laughing at the DJ's horrible song choices and Finstock's pointless efforts to keep couples from hooking up in the gym. Of course, alcohol didn't actually have hardly any effect on Ayla given her werewolf nature, but she was still having fun just pretending to be the usual teenager.

She decided to walk outside and get some air when Danny finally found another guy to dance with. She stepped outside the school, smiling to herself as she breathed in the cool night air. It was nice to have at least one completely normal high school experience. But of course, it was short lived.

"Come on, Lydia. Stay with me. Come on. Help me! Somebody help! Help me!" Ayla quickly made her way down the steps as she heard Jackson yelling. She rushed towards him, staring in shock as she saw that he was holding Lydia. The strawberry blonde was unconscious and covered in blood. Ayla walked closer, seeing the bite.

"Oh, no."


Neither Jackson or Ayla were allowed to ride in the ambulance with Lydia. Jackson ended up agreeing to give Ayla a ride to the hospital. "What happened?" she asked as he drove.

"I don't know. I wasn't with her. She was just like that out on the field," he told her.

Ayla sighed, placing her head in her hands. She couldn't believe this was currently happening.

"Is she going to be okay?" Jackson asked her.

"I don't know," Ayla admitted.

"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you supposed to be the little werewolf expert?" he snapped.

"I can't know yet! She was bitten. That means either she turns or her body rejects the bite," she snapped back, turning to look at him.

"Rejects it?" he asked.

Ayla scoffed. "You were begging us to turn you and you never even figured out what happens if your body doesn't accept it?" she wondered. Jackson shook his head. Ayla sighed. "Being bitten doesn't always mean you turn. Either your body takes to it or it doesn't. If it doesn't, you don't survive," she explained.

Jackson glanced at her, clearly concerned. "Well, you seem to be fine," he commented.

"I've never been bitten, you dumbass. I am this way because my mother was also. Being bitten is a hell of a lot more complicated, which you would know if you were smart enough to actually think your decisions through," she snapped, before turning to look out the window. Ayla released a breath. She couldn't lose her best friend.


The two of them walked into the hospital, passing cops as they did so.

"Where's Lydia? Where is she?" Jackson asked, glancing around.

Both him and Ayla walked further into the hall, eventually finding Lydia unconscious in a hospital bed. She had an oxygen mask on and several monitors set up. "Come on, Lyds," Ayla muttered.

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