Ch. 9 Lunatic

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HERE WERE BAGS UNDER AYLA'S EYES, GIVING AWAY THE FACT THAT SHE WASN'T SLEEPING WELL. But Lydia apparently wasn't okay with other people knowing that fact. Ayla was sitting at the strawberry blonde's vanity, as the other girl applied makeup to the werewolf's face to try to hide it. Ayla had ended up at Lydia's house after her first night at Scott's, and hadn't really slept since. That had been two days ago. Lydia's mom seemed fine with Ayla staying there, even if the woman seemed a little uneasy around the Hale. To be fair, her reaction to Ayla staying with her child was better than Melissa McCall's.

|Two Days Ago|

Given what had happened the night before, Melissa McCall went to check on her son first thing the next morning. She gently knocked on the door, trying to keep from waking him if he was still asleep. She got no response, so she guessed he still was.

She quietly opened the door, poking her head in. She wasn't expecting what she found however. Ayla and Scott were still curled together just like they had been when they fell asleep.

"Scott?" Melissa said, loudly enough to wake both teenagers.

The two of them opened their eyes in confusion. They glanced at each other and then Scott's mother. "Oh, shit," Ayla muttered under her breath.

"Mom," Scott said, unsure of how angry she was about to get.

"You want to explain this?" Melissa wondered.

Scott opened his mouth, then shut it. He climbed off the bed to allow Ayla up. She quickly grabbed her shoes and jacket. "I think I'll be going," she said.


"Have you figured out when you're going to call your dad?" Lydia wondered, bringing Ayla back to the present.

The werewolf sighed. "Probably tomorrow," she decided. She didn't want to call him today. It was a full moon and she didn't really feel as in control as usual. She would rather just go spend the night at Hale house getting her things. At least that way she could go run around the woods if she started feeling too off.

"And then you'll leave?" Lydia wondered. She tried to hide it, but Ayla still heard the sadness in her voice.

"Probably," she said.

"But you'll call, right? Like you won't just completely fall off the face of the earth?" Lydia questioned. She kept herself focused on Ayla's makeup, but the werewolf knew she was serious.

"Yeah, Lyds. I'm not just going to disappear on you," Ayla told her.

Lydia smiled and nodded. "Okay," she said. The two fell into silence once again as they got ready for school, but it was a peaceful kind of silence.


As usual, Ayla made her way to her first class with both Allison and Lydia. "It's just weird. Everybody's talking about what happened the other night, and nobody knows it was us," Allison told them.

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