Ch. 3 Ice Pick

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DESPITE THE CONVERSATION BOTH HAD HAD WITH SCOTT, THE HALES HEADED TO THE HOSPITAL. Ayla was completely aware that this was a bad idea. But Derek was going to keep growing the pack whether her or Scott liked it. She figured she might as well try to even the pack out, given that she was getting tired of being the only female werewolf around the small town.

"So remind me why you picked this one?" Derek asked as they walked.

"Same kind of thing as Isaac. She doesn't really have any friends, meaning there's no one to ask questions. She's epileptic, being one of us may make her seizures happen less," she explained. Derek nodded. "Plus she's kinda cute," Ayla added with a smirk.

Her uncle just sighed, shaking his head at her.


Ayla stayed in the morgue while Derek wheeled Erica in. The blonde sat up, looking at the two werewolves fearfully.

Derek picked up a bottle of Eric's meds, reading it. "Side effects may include anxiety, weight gain, acne, ulcerative colitis. Eesh," he said.

"Who are you?" Erica wondered.

"Well, I'm Ayla. We have a class together. Only I sit in the front by Lydia and you always seemed to think you should hide near the back," the she-wolf told her. Ayla frowned as she saw the way the other girl was shaking and walked over to her. Erica flinched as Ayla reached towards her. Ayla pulled her hand away, deciding to just stand next to the other girl. "No one's gonna hurt you," she told her with a smile. "We just wanted to ask you something."

"What?" Erica wondered.

Ayla glanced towards her uncle, who walked over to them. "What if I told you that all of this could go away? The side effects, the symptoms, all of it. And what if all those things not only went away, but everything else got even better?" he asked.

"How?" Erica asked.

"Let us show you," Derek said, his eyes turning red.


Ayla went to lunch with her best friend the next day, given that Lydia was having the typical Lydia crisis. Jackson Whittemore.

"I just don't get why everything is always my fault," Lydia told the other girl as the two walked.

Ayla stopped, turning to face her best friend. She placed both hands on the strawberry blonde's shoulders. "Lydia, listen to me. Nothing is your fault. Your ex is just a dick," she told her.

Lydia rolled her eyes, pulling away from her best friend. "You are no help whatsoever," she told her.

The two suddenly noticed that the attention of everyone in the cafeteria had shifted to who had just entered. Erica Reyes. Only instead of the epileptic, nerdy looking Erica with acne, it was the new werewolf Erica who was dressed in an outfit that Ayla had helped pick out, had fully done makeup and her hair in curls.

The two best friends had been passing Scott and Stiles' lunch table, so Lydia placed both hands on the table as she watched the blonde. "What the holy hell is that?" she asked. Ayla just smiled.

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