Ch. 10 Fury

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BOTH STILES AND SCOTT WENT TO TRY TO CONVINCE THE SHERIFF THAT MATT WAS BEHIND THE MURDERS. Instead of joining them, Ayla went to the ironworks to tell Derek what they had learned.

The she-wolf walked inside and towards the train car. She could smell blood as she approached, and stopped as she saw blue dust on the floor. She frowned, before stepping inside. Erica and Boyd were both passed out on the floor, having gotten loose at some point.

Isaac was sitting in a chair, beginning to nod off. "Isaac," Ayla said, walking over to him. He looked up at her. He was still transformed due to the full moon, but Ayla could tell he was in control otherwise. "What happened? Where's Derek?" she wondered.

He shrugged. Ayla frowned as she noticed how tired he looked. She remembered the exhaustion that had followed her first couple of full moons. "Isaac, answer those two questions and I'll leave you alone," she promised.

"We all got loose. I helped Derek keep them in here," Isaac explained.

Ayla glanced around the train car. That explained the smell of blood and why the other two betas were asleep on the floor. "What happened afterwards?" she asked.

"Derek chained me up and went out there," he told her, gesturing to the chain around his wrist.

Ayla narrowed her eyes at him. "He left you?" she questioned.

Isaac nodded. The Hale sighed, shaking her head. "He wouldn't just leave you three," she mumbled to herself. She turned back to Isaac. "Try to keep an eye on them. All three of you can get some rest when the sun is up," she told him, patting him on the shoulder.

"Yeah," Isaac muttered.

Ayla walked out of the train car, and knelt down on the ground. She ran a finger across to the floor, before holding her blue stained finger up in front of her face. She sniffed the powder, coughing as she did so. "Wolfsbane," she realized. She glanced towards the three new betas. This didn't make sense. Who would take Derek but leave the three of them here?

None of tonight made sense. Derek had apparently been kidnapped. Everyone at Lydia's party had been drugged. The kanima was being controlled by Matt. And for some reason, she was still alive despite Gerard knowing who she was.

Ayla sighed. All of this had to be connected in some odd way. She took a deep breath, trying to find Derek's scent. It wasn't a hard one to pick up, given how close the two were. But she didn't expect to pick up the scent of her missing best friend with it.


Both scents led her to Hale house. Lydia's led away, along with another. Ayla recognized the new scent, not that it made sense to her. All she cared about was finding Derek. She made her way inside the destroyed house.

She frowned as a rather annoying ringing filled her ears. "What the hell?" she asked.

It stopped as soon as she spoke. "Sorry." She stepped into the other room to find Deaton crouched next to an unconscious Derek. The vet gave her an apologetic look, holding up a dog whistle. She glared at him for a short moment, but her attention quickly shifted to her uncle.

"Derek?" she asked, rushing over to him. She checked him for injuries, finding blood on his shirt. All of his injuries seemed healed, however, having most likely been caused by Erica and Boyd. The only thing that was visibly wrong was the bloody claw marks on his wrist. Ayla then noticed the empty hole in the floor, the one Peter had been buried in. A new anger suddenly filled her, one she hadn't felt since the night Derek became alpha. The one that was fully directed at the person who had killed her mother. "What happened?" she practically growled.

Nightmare {1} TWOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora