Ch. 5 Venomous

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WHILE AYLA LOVED HER UNCLE, SHE DID NOT LOVE HIS CHOICE OF RESIDENCE. She honestly hated the train car. Which was why she was currently at Kayla's new house. The woman traveled a lot, meaning she wouldn't exactly be around much. Ayla didn't mind though. She was happy just to have one living female relative to stay with and actual privacy.

"So this room can be all yours. Not like I have many other guests," Kayla told her.

Ayla smiled. "Thanks," she said as she made her way inside. Kayla had already decorated a bit. Ayla at least had a bed and nightstand. She walked over to the little wooden stand, picking up one of the photos Kayla had put on it. She frowned as she recognized it. It was one of the few family photos she actually had. Ayla was pretty sure that her, her parents and Kayla had been at the fair. Kayla had taken a picture of the three of them. Ayla had maybe been eight. It was from before the fire. She was grinning- not surprising given that she didn't get to do a lot of things with both her parents when she was a kid.

Kayla frowned as she saw the teenager's expression. "Oh, yeah. I always liked that photo of you guys. I just thought you might want it," she explained.

Ayla nodded. "I do," she admitted, still looking down at the picture. She hadn't been able to bring herself to look through many of the photos she had of her mom since she lost her. It just hurt too much still.

Kayla sighed, sitting down on her niece's bed. "How are you doing?" she wondered.

Ayla shrugged. "I'm fine. Staying busy as usual," she told her, sitting the photo down.

"Staying busy because you actually are, or because you want to be?" Kayla asked.

The teenager sighed, and sat down across from the woman. "Bit of both. For some reason I thought that knowing who killed her and knowing that everyone involved in the fire is dead would actually make it all hurt less. But it didn't," she admitted.

Kayla nodded. "She was your mom. You've gotta give yourself a little more time to process that," she reminded.

Ayla shrugged. "I guess," she muttered.

Kayla sighed, hating the sour note they were starting on. "So, have you found anyone cute to keep you busy?" she wondered.

Ayla scoffed at the woman. "Oh, my God," she muttered.

"Hey, I sat through the entire Piper fiasco. I deserve details if there's someone new," Kayla told her.

The teenager rolled her eyes. "I'm not really sure how to answer that," she admitted.

"That is a yes. That is a definite yes," Kayla said.

Ayla chuckled. "I mean, this girl kissed me. But I don't really know how to feel about it," she told her.

"Is she hot?" Kayla wondered. Ayla smiled, blushing at the same time. "She is!"

Ayla rolled her eyes, laughing at the woman. "I don't know if I really want to date her," she said.

"Sweetie, your ex is literally all the way across the country. Do not go to that level of complicated. You and Piper will actually lose your minds," Kayla warned.

"I'm not waiting on Piper. If she had her way, we would already be back together," Ayla told her.

Kayla nodded, frowning at her. "But you are waiting on someone," she guessed.

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