Ch. 5 The Tell

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BOTH HALES AND SCOTT LOOKED DOWN AT THE CRIME SCENE THAT HAD FORMED. The alpha had shown up, killing a worker and injuring a customer at a local business. The customer being Jackson. He was currently arguing with the Sheriff, while Lydia silently sat in an ambulance. Ayla watched her friend in concern, wishing she could simply jump off the roof she was currently standing on and go hug her.

"Starting to get it?" Derek asked, talking to Scott. The new beta was knelt down near the edge of the roof, watching everything below.

"I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why. I mean, this isn't standard practice, right? We don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone, do we?" Scott wondered, turning towards the Hales.

"No. We're predators," Derek said.

"But we don't have to be killers," Ayla finished, smiling at the memory that came back of her grandmother.

She obviously hadn't been as close to the woman as her mother and uncle, but Talia had always been there for her. She had been an extra mother to Ayla, something that had always annoyed Laura. Given that Laura was barely out of high school by the time Ayla came along, it had been no surprise that Talia had questioned whether her daughter was ready to have one of her own. And as much as both tried to hide it from Ayla, she knew that they had fought a lot over how involved Talia had chosen to be in her granddaughter's life.

"Then why is he a killer?" Scott wondered, bringing Ayla back to the problem at hand.

"That's what we're gonna find out," Derek told him.

Ayla nodded. "I'm gonna check on Lydia," she told them, walking away.


Cops tried to hold everyone back from the crime scene, but Ayla managed to make her way to the front of the crowd. "Lydia," she called.

The strawberry blonde's head snapped towards her. "Ayla?" she asked in surprise.

The Hale tried to push her way to her friend, only to be stopped. "She's okay," Lydia informed the cops blocking her best friend's path.

The cops moved away, letting Ayla walk over to the other girl. "Are you okay?" she asked as soon as she was next to Lydia.

"I'm fine," the girl said.

Ayla frowned. "Lydia," she said, hearing the lie.

"They- they said it was a mountain lion. But Ayla, I saw something and it wasn't a mountian lion. They- they don't believe me. I- I," Lydia grasped for words, tears filling her eyes.

Ayla grabbed her hands. "Lydia," she said, interrupting the strawberry blonde. Lydia looked up at her, trying to hold back the tears brimming in her eyes. "I believe you," Ayla told her.

Lydia managed a small smile. Ayla sat down next to her, deciding to stay with her friend for a moment.


"You're going to be late!" Derek yelled.

Ayla rolled her eyes as she stuffed her things into her bag. "Which one of us decided that we were going to spend the night tracking the alpha with Scott?" she wondered.

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