Chapter 1

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Colors and powers

Gold - Hypnosis

Purple - Mind control

Silver - Super strength

Blue - Flight

White - Time Travel

Yellow - Telekinetic

Green - Speed

Navy - Elements

Red - Emotions

Teal - Illusions

Lime - Time Control

Orange - Technology/Mechanics

Hazel - Shape Shifting

Brown - Animals

Black - Dangerous, unpredictable powers

Notes: Most people find out about their eye color when they are 10. Some find out a little earlier at like age 8 or 9. Marinette and Damian found out early. Another thing, this is not a Chloe Redemption story. I know some of you like those stories but I decided not to make this one like my other ones. No hateful comments about it, please. 

Another thing, if they can get enough energy they can make signs around them that symbolize their energy. It's also a symbol of how powerful you are. If you can do it early on it makes you very powerful. There are some able to do it but most aren't able to do it but of course our blueberry child and assassin child are the exception. 

Anyways, back with the story. 

Damian and Marinette are 9 years old. 


I stared myself in the mirror at my black eyes. I take in a breath as I stare at myself in shock. 

I imagine power surging through my veins. Black streaks flowing through my blood. I look at my fingertips and see a little bit of black energy pulsing from them. I imagine my fingertips glowing black with power and channel my shock, sadness and anger into my power. 

I hold out my hand and make a swirl motion. A black streak follows my hand. I make a lunge position and pull my elbows back. I push my arms forward and energy pulses from my hands. I close my hands and stand up straight. 

I put my hands out before me and spin them into a circle. I let power surge through my veins and dance, making signs in black all around me. I stop in the middle of the signs and place my hands together, vertically. The signs ripple before disappearing. 

I take my hands apart before and let the power exit my veins. I grab my contacts from my dresser and put them in my eyes. They make my eyes look green when they turn black. I place my hand on my mouth as tears collect in my eyes. 

They slide down my cheeks as I curl into myself on my chaise. Maman and Papa couldn't know. They can't know I'm a black. I don't want to go to the camp where the blacks and purples go. With the cuff that have needles to block their powers. I couldn't go there. 

Maybe I can tell Marin. He'll support me right? He's my twin brother he'll support me right. I know I can't tell Maman and Papa. They're always fighting and smell like bad juice. They'll send me away the moment, if I tell them I'm a black. 

I wipe my tears and stare at myself in the mirror. My eyes turn blue again and calm myself. I was just going to have to hide my secret. 

With Damian

I closed my eyes as I focused on changing the color of my eyes. Like all Al Ghuls we were holding the power ceremony. It's where we find out what colored eyes the heir is. They did it with my mother only because my father knew she was powerful. Mother was a teal so she did illusions. 

I felt power rush through my veins and my eyes flew open. I looked at my mother and she smiled. She ordered 5 assassins to come up. "Damian, I want you to close your eyes and face them. Weasel your way into their bodies. Whatever way you think is correct." 

I nod and close my eyes. I turn around and I hear footsteps. I weasel my way into their bodies like mother said. I feel myself at the walls of their minds. I force myself in and speak a single command in their minds. 


I hear the footsteps stop and I speak another commands. 


I hear soft footsteps and then I hear them stop. "Open your eyes my son." I open them and see the 5 assassins kneeling before me. I look at the crowd. I notice them tense and then I turn to look at mother. "Do the power dance, Damian." 

I place my hands in front of me before moving them in a circle. I start to do the dance and imagine signs appearing around me. I open my eyes, seeing purple signs all around me. I stop in the middle and place my hands together. They signs ripple then, fade away. 

I turn to Grandfather and he smiles approvingly. "Yes. Now look at yourself." I look at the mirror and suck in a breath. I had deep purple eyes. I close my eyes and slow the flow of energy in my veins and then stop it. When I open my eyes they are back to their natural green color. 

Mother places her hand on my shoulder. "I approve. We have much training to do though." I nod. I knew this was only the beginning. 

A/N: This was more just a chapter as introductions and how they found out about their eye color. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment, vote, or give me ideas on what you want to happen! 

Thank you!!!


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