Chapter 11 - Powers Backstory

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A/N: So, I said I was going to do the backstory so hear it is. This is going to be the same length as the other chapters but it is going to explain everything and give you more information about other things.

At first there was a single person on the planet. We'll call them, Moon. Now Moon was neither male nor female. Somewhere in between. And Moon had colored eyes. But not like brown or pink or silver. No.

Their eyes were the color of a rainbow. Just a sliver of color to represent its power in the person body. When the person wanted to use such power, the entire eye would be overcome by that color. Moon often wished for someone to play with, for Moon was very lonely sometimes.

One day, Moon was playing with some flowers when they saw a figure. The figure came closer, and Moon saw that the figure was like them! For the figure had eyes like Moon. Now the figure, we'll call them, Sun.

Sun came closer to Moon, and you could practically see the hearts in Moon's eyes. Moon fell in love with Sun instantly. Sun beckoned to Moon, and Moon followed. Together they roamed the meadows and climbed the mountains.

Sun would fawn over Moon, begging for them do show their power. And Moon would do so, for their love for Sun often got in the way of them thinking clearly. Moon would display great shows of power, never notices the hungry, greedy look in Sun's eyes as they watched their displays.

Moon followed Sun as they took them to their house, all the way across a great ocean and over snowy mountains. Moon often tired from using their powers to shelter them but they relented and continued.

Sun took Moon into their home and their Sun asked Moon to lie down so that they may prepare something for them. Moon, blinded by their love, did as Sun requested. But her blindness was soon cleared when they saw Sun throw a knife at them.

Moon cleared away from the knife, their heart slowly cracking. Sun threw more and more at Moon, hungry for Moon's power, in order to become the most powerful. Moon cried as they dodged the knives, pleading for Sun to stop.

Sun roared in outrage and told Moon how foolish they were, how idiotic they were, and how they could never have fallen in love with them. Moon's heart shattered and all their love her Sun drained away, only to be replaced with a white-hot rage.

Moon had slaved away for Sun, did everything they asked, everything they wanted, and this is how they treat them? Moon was not going to have in. The colors in Moon's eyes glowed brightly but instead of a single-color glowing in their eyes they started blending.

The colors blended, the rainbow in their eyes becoming a single color. Black. Sun stumbled backwards, frightened by the color of Moon's eyes. Moon let their emotions explode, all her powers swirling into one. And they didn't hold back.

Moon shot beams of colors at Sun. One was red, one was navy, one was white, one was green. It didn't matter to her. As long as Sun suffered, the way they had. Then Moon stopped. This wasn't enough for them. This was all physical. They could heal.

Sun looked up thinking that it was over and let Navy take over their eyes. They made their house shake. Sun was not going to live with the humiliation of this. No, they would not. The grand house started crumbling, Sun's Navy eyes become brighter and brighter.

But then they stopped. They started dulling. Sun's mind was no longer in control of itself. Sun grasped for their power, but it was out of reach. Sun's eyes flickered to Moon's eyes which were no longer black. Now they were purple.

Moon took all of their pain, heartbreak, anger, and power and forced it all into Sun's mind. Sun cried out, their mind being blasted to shreds, tears pouring out of their eyes. They begged for mercy, forgiveness but Moon did not stop.

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