Chapter 13

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A/N: Apparently, I am incapable of waiting 14 days but I managed 9 days, so I'd say that's an accomplishment. 

Votes will be at the end of the chapter.


I stared at Marin, wide-eyed, my mind racing with thoughts, fears, and doubts. "She wants me to what?" Marin stares at me sadly and I hide my face in my hands, tears collecting in my eyes yet again. Me and Damian got together yesterday, I couldn't just drop the bomb about this. 

I took a deep breath, gathering my mind. I looked up at Marin, determination burning inside me. "When is the dinner?" "In 2 weeks. Why?" I nodded. "2 weeks... why does that remind me of something." I stood and started digging through my stuff. 

I pull my phone out and flip through my calendar, stopping when I get to a week from now. My heart stops before dropping to my feet. "Marin... the full moon is in 2 weeks." I turn to him, my hands trembling as I held the notebook, as a terrible realization slapped me. 

The dinner was on the full moon. 

He froze, his eyes growing wide as his mouth opens and closes like fish. "I- god Mare. We're fucked aren't we? We both know you're not going to be able to resist the moon's call. You managed for a bit but soon you just give up. And with your emotions, I know you won't last long."

I flop onto the sofa, my body sinking into the cushions. I close me eyes, guilt, confusion, sorrow, and a murderous rage flood through me. Questions, doubts, fears clouded my mind once more as tears slowly started slipping down my cheeks. 

A hand slowly rakes through my hair, Marin no doubt, and soft words in French fill the air. It was the same lullaby I would sing to Marin when we were little. I turn my eyes toward him, watching him sing softly. He was never a good singer but the fact that he was trying, melted my heart. 

I join with him, my voice mixing with his. The tears slowly come to a stop as Marin gives me a shaky smile. I couldn't help but giggle at him, and hug him tightly. "Thank you Mar. But for future notice, don't ever sing again. You sound absolutely terrible." 

He pouts, but his eyes sparkle with amusement. "Hey! Meanie!" We burst out laughing. 2 weeks would probably fly by, but I knew one thing. 

I wasn't going to marry that man's son. 

A/N: Next chapter in a bit, this was more a filler chapter. But for now, here are the votes. 

The Threat On Olympus: 2

The Demi-Wizard Twins:

An Assassin's Love: 10

Quite frankly I'm disappointed more people didn't vote but can't do anything 'bout it. 

An Assassin's Love will be out in a bit, and I hope you guys enjoy it!! I will post when it is out but for now, I will write the next chapter for this book. 



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