Chapter 9

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I chased after Todd, who had decided that it was a good idea to start snooping through my phone. "Come on Dami! It has to be interesting if you're so protective of it!" I growl as we turn the corner into another one of the Manor's lengthy hallways. 

He quickly spin the hands on the godfather clock causing it to open and show the passageway to the cave. I race after him as we land in the cave and I spot Father talking with Drake. "Father! Tell Todd to stop invading my privacy!!" 

"Jason, please respect your brother's privacy. And give him back his phone." Todd made a pitiful whine. "But Bruce~ This was worth investigating. Damian does not label many people on his phone 'Angel'. I had to find out." 

I snatch my phone out of his hands and glare at him. "Then you can ask." He snorts. "You'd say no, no matter how many times I ask." I roll my eyes and opening Angel's contact. "That tells you something, Todd. I enjoy and value my privacy. Now respect it." 

I sit down against the wall and tune Todd out as I text Angel. 

Dami: Angel?

Angel: Dami! Why are you texting at such a late hour?

Dami: Bored. Did I interrupt something important?

Angel: No. I just got out of the jacuzzi. It's very nice and relaxing. 

My ears and cheeks start burning as I try to take the image out of my mind. 

Dami: I see... I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up after your tour tomorrow. 

Angel: Hmm. Sure. Where we going?

Dami: That is a surprise.

Angel: But I need to make sure I wear an appropriate outfit!

Dami: It's fine Angel. 

Angel: Fine~ I'll see you tomorrow. 

Dami: Look forward to seeing you. Stay near your phone. I'm going to text later. My brothers are being annoying. 

I quickly turn my phone off and shove it into my pocket, right before Todd could snatch it. I scowl at him and promptly get up. "Really Todd? Do you really think I'd let you grab my phone?" He growled and huffed. "You were blushing! That needs, demands, investigation!" 

With that, every person in the cave, excluding father, turned toward me and Todd. I snarled and reached for the dagger underneath my shirt, that was strapped to my waist. Before I can do anything though, I notice something on the screen of the bat-computer. 

I furrow my brow when I see Drake pulling up the footage from the tour today. "Father, Drake, what are you doing?" Drake shrugs. "He asked me to pull it up. I'm assuming it's something important. Now Bruce, what did you need?" 

"Fast forward to a little before 11:15 and you'll see me talking to 2 kids. They're identical twins. A boy and a girl." Drake does as he is told and I raise my eyebrows when I see Angel talking to Father with, what I assume, is her twin as he looks like an exact copy of her. 

"Good now I asked her about her parents and there was something wrong with their answer. Their posture and tone indicate their parents probably aren't the best. Now zoom in the girl and she says something under her breath. I didn't quite catch it. Can you lip-read it?" 

Drake clicks multiple keys before the screen is clear and he plays the footage. He stares at the screen and I manage to lip read what Angel was saying. Drake nods and pursed his lips. "She said, 'In their own twisted abusive way'. Hmm. This indicates that they abuse them in some way. It's hard to tell if it's verbal, emotional, or physical. It's could be a mixture though...." 

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