Chapter 4

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~~~Time Skip to when they are 15~~~

I walk into homeroom, going to my seat in the back. Nobody has found out I was a black. Only Marin, and Ms.Tikki knew about me being a black. But Lila was back and has been lying about me. She turned most of the school against me. 

But I don't care. As long as she doesn't lie that I'm a black, we'll be alright. I won't pummel her head into the ground. I hear feet shuffling and the door opens. I look up slightly and see Lila walk in spinning lies and the class eating them up. 

I gag in disgust and write on my desk. A sign in black appears and I flick it to Lila. It slips in her bag and I watch in delight as she stops walking and her eyes roll back. She collapses and I snicker silently. The class panics and I make the sign disappear. 

I'd trained long enough to make the sign disappear without having to put my hands together. Ms.Tikki says I'm very powerful and if I lose control, the contacts won't be able to hide the color of my eyes. But I did find out I can change the color of my eyes with the contacts but I still wear them so I'm safer. 

Caline comes in the class room and claps her hands. The class had gone back to there seats once Lila gained consciousness. "Class, I have good news! We got a trip to Gotham!" She gives me a smile and I nod at her. Bruce Wayne had entered a competition and the winners would get a WE sponsored trip to Gotham. 

I had written a story about heroes and Marin had pushed me to submit it. He said he knew it would win because, I quote, 'his sister was a miracle worker'. I had my doubts but 2 weeks later I got a call at 2 AM from Bruce Wayne saying we won. 

I had to keep my cheering to make sure I didn't wake Tom and Sabine. I stopped seeing them as parents the moment, Tom got really drunk and kicked me and Marin out during a blizzard. Sabine didn't even try to stop him. We were 12 when that happened. 

We stayed behind the bakery and near where the heat from the ovens comes out. During the winter, we always work out ovens harder because of the holidays and Tom and Sabine have them to send the extra heat outside so the bakery doesn't become a heater itself. 

The cheering of the class brought me out of my thoughts and Caline clapped her hands again. "We leave on Friday. Some of the paperwork still needs to filed and reservations and tickets still need to be booked."

She grabs her workbook and class continues. Once it was over I waited for everybody to leave before I went to Caline. "Cal, how are you feeling?" She sighs. "I'm doing better. It's been hard with the pregnancy." "That's to be expected. But I bet you your child will look just like you." 

Caline raised her eyebrow at me. "How do you know?" I smile mischievously. "Call it a guess and a dash of hope, that I'm right." She laughed. "Alright Marinette. We will see in 5 months. Now how are you and Marin? I know Tom and Sabine don't treat you very well." 

My smile fell and I rub my forearm. "Me and Marin are doing okay. They haven't beat us or anything in a while." She squeezed my shoulder lightly. "You need to report them. The bruises on you guys is enough. I shake my head. 

"And where would we go? The orphanage? And I'm not going to give the class more things to make fun of me with. I can deal with it." She frowned but nodded. "Alright. I can't force you and I won't do it without your permission." "Thank you." 

She nods. Then she snaps her fingers. "And here. For you and Marin." She reaches behind her desk and pulls out a large lunch box. 

I open it and see 2 breakfast sandwiches, 2 apples, and 2 thermos' of lemonade. "For you and Marin because I know for a fact, you didn't eat breakfast." I give her a hug. "Thank you, Cal. I'll be sure to give Marin his half." She raises an eyebrow. 

"I expect you to eat your portion, Marinette. I will ask him. And if he says you didn't, you will be eating lunch in here with me so I can make sure you eat properly." I nod. "Okay. I will eat my half and Marin will eat his." She nods and gives me a hug. 

"And thank you for writing the story." "Your welcome, Cal." She pulls away and her eyes flicker red. She had the power of emotions. She knew when I was being truthful and when I was lying. She could tell by my emotions. "Now off you go. I don't want Ms.Mendeleiev to be mad at you." 

"Ok. Bye Cal." She waves as I leave the classroom. She had become like an older sister to me while I was a student in her class. She wouldn't tolerate Lila or the class bullying me while I was in her classroom. But she couldn't do much else because Mr.Damocles believed Lila. 

I walked through the halls and Marin randomly appears next to me. He had a habit of appearing next to me while I was walking. "Hey sis. You doing good?" I shrug. "My leg hurts a little still but I'm doing okay other than that." Concern flashes across his face before he simply nods. 

"So, I heard you got a trip to Gotham?" "Yup. We leave on Friday." He smiles and shoves my shoulder playfully. "I said you would win and look at that. You did win." I stick my tongue out at him playfully. "Yeah yeah. I managed to get you a ticket too. You are coming to Gotham too." 

He looks at me, shock written all over his face. "Y-you got me a t-ticket? I'm going to Gotham?" I nod. "Are you okay? You look ready to pass out." He wraps me in a hug and I gasp for air. "C-cant....breathe....R-ribs...hurt." He puts me down and I suck in a large breath. 

"Sorry Mare. Just excited." "I know. Now, we have to get to Ms.Mendeleiev. Last one there has to do chores!" He laughs and we sprint through the halls. I purposely make me eyes slightly green to give me a boost. I reach the door 3 seconds before him. 

He pants as he leans on the wall slightly. "H-hey! You u-used your p-powers. I-i'm not a-a green l-like you." I shrug. "I'll still help you with the chores. Don't worry." He nods and I open the door. Ms.Mendeleiev wasn't inside. I look at the clock and saw that we were 6 minutes early. 

I sit in my seat and Marin sits next to me. I grab my headphones and play, 'Hey Little Girl'. It made me feel better, knowing that I could relate to something. It calmed my nerves and made me disconnect from reality and live a fantasy in my mind. 

Where Lila didn't come. Where Tom and Sabine were actual parents. Where I knew that my class weren't true friends. Where I didn't have to grow up quickly. Where I wasn't a black. Where I could be free. Where I could be myself. Where I could be loved. Where life was good. 

Where I didn't have to live in fear. 

A/N: I'm going to skip to when they are getting ready for Gotham because I refuse to write 3 more chapters about Lila. I might go insane if I did that. So for the sake of my mental health, I am time-skipping to Friday. 

I'm starting a one-shot book. Because I get ideas for books and I don't want to keep writing books so I decided a one-shot book would be better. Some will be multiple parts and others will only be one part. 



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