Chapter 3

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I dodged the attacks thrown at me, calmly making my way into the minds of my attackers. I stop moving when I get past their walls. 


I hear the clinking of metal hitting the floor. 


I hear the shuffles and fabric ripping and more weapons hitting the floor. My mother touches my shoulder and I look up at her. She nods approvingly and I leave their minds. "Very good, Damian. Now we have to teach you how to disguise your eye color to gold." 

I nod. I take out my contacts and place them in my eyes. They make my eyes look gold when they are purple. Hypnosis is closest to Mind Control but Mind Control is when the person feels it and can't get them out of their minds. Hypnosis is when the person doesn't know and doesn't feel it. 

I close my eyes and imagine my green eyes turning purple again. Then turning a slight shade of gold. I imagine it growing bolder until it is a strong gold color. I open my eyes and see faint gold signs in front of me. I forced them to get bolder and trace my finger along them, gold on my fingertips. 

Some are able to have to power of having another power that is close to their original one. Since Hypnosis was close to Mind Control I could teach myself how to master Hypnosis. I had already mastered being a yellow which makes a person telekinetic. 

I wasn't really good at it but I was decent with it. Mind Control isn't a lot like telekinesis but it is similar because it requires you to have strong will power with your mind. It would be better for my mission to. If I had to use my powers, they would either say I am a yellow, gold, or purple. And Golds and Yellows weren't detested like Purples and Blacks. 

Blacks were able to control multiple powers because their powers were unpredictable and considered dangerous. I think it was because people were scared of them taking them from their power. They stripped them of their power, making them seem more powerful them. 

In the League, if you were a black you were respected. There weren't any blacks in the League but Mother and Grandfather were hoping I was one. Being a purple was good enough though. If I manage to master Hypnosis, I should be able to turn my eyes gold without needing the contacts.

I allow the signs to pulse power and watch as the assassins in front of me went limp. Their eyes rolled back and they turned in my direction. I was the one who hypnotized them so they listen to me. Unless another gold tried to fight me for control over them. 

I wiggled my way into their minds and ran through their minds, looking through their memories, fears, and finding everything out about them. I stopped once I was done and exited their minds. I forced the signs to ripple and fade away. 

"Did you do it?" "Yes mother." She looks at the assassins who were still shaken up a bit. But they managed to stand. "Alright. So tell me, are they loyal to the League?" I notice them stiffen up a  bit. But nobody spoke. You only spoke if you wanted to be tortured. 

"I will call them forward and you will tell me if they are faithful." I nod. "Lady Netherson." She steps up, fer face void of any emotions. "Her loyal to the League is strong and unwavering, Mother." Mother nods and Lady Netherson steps back. 

"Assassin Hanks." He comes forward and stares at mother. "His loyalty is not true. He is in a plan to kill Grandfather and you." Mother scowls and a flicker of fear appears on his face. She pulls out a dagger and in a blur, stabs him in the neck. I watch as he falls to the ground, blood gushing out of his wound. 

"Are there anymore with him, Damian?" "Lady Jaime, and Assassin Westscott." She nods. "I will seek them out. You 4 can leave the room." They nod and silently vanish in the shadows. "You did well Damian. Now come, your Grandfather requested to see you after your training." 

I follow her through the and we arrive in Grandfather's room. He was on his balcony watching a training session. "Damian, come here." I walk up to him and watch. A boy, around my age was training with a girl. They were obviously twins as they looked alike. 

They were sparring with 4 assassins. I watch as they kill the assassins, blood flowing from their bodies. The twins were covered in blood but it was not their own. "The Nasim Twins. Amir and Maya Nasim." I nod. They were one of the deadliest duos in the League. 

They 4 assassins are taken away and the twins exit the room. "When you become Demon Heir, you will rule all this. You will be feared, respected, and you will be powerful. I expect for you to chose a strong woman to be your betrothed so that you will have an heir." I nod.

"She must be powerful, fearless, ruthless, and beautiful. Rich, if you wish to do that as well. She will rule along side you. She must be able to command respect from the assassins. She must be able to strike fear amongst them. She must be an acceptable eye color. I hope you do not disappoint, Damian." 

"I will not disappoint you, Grandfather." "Good. Now-" A crash and explosions sounded. Mother grabbed my arm and ran. "We must leave! The League is under attack and it is priority to keep the heir safe!" I ran after her dodging the pieces of falling debris. 

"What about Grandfather?" "He will be alright! We can't worry about that right now!" I still had my favorite katana on me so I didn't have to go to my room and get it back. We board a jet and I strap myself in as it takes off. 

"Mother, where are we going to stay?" She gives a short laugh. "I will not be staying with you, my son. We are going to Gotham, you will be staying with your father?" I raise an eyebrow. "I thought he was dead. You never spoke of him." 

"He is far from dead, my son. Don't worry about all this now. Just remember you may not tell him that you are a purple. Tell him you are a gold. And keep up your training when you are by yourself so that you may not fall behind." 

She enters the room where the pilot is and I stare out the window, my mind racing. I was going to Gotham. 

I was going to meet my father. 

A/N: Sooooooo, do you guys like this??? I think I did pretty well considering I had stopped during the middle of the chapter trying to figure out what to right. I mean I wasn't going to publish a chapter with 400 something words because I couldn't get my brain to work. 

I don't know how the actual attack went and am much to lazy to do any research. Plus it causes my mind to start working overtime and making too many ideas for a million other stories. It's actually very annoying. Besides, it works with the plot, if Ra's didn't die. 

 So anyways, I'm going to have some free time on my hands. I am on my summer break and my job is undergoing renovations so no employees are allowed in until they were done. So, I will have time to update. 

The next chapter is going to take place when they are 15 so giving you a heads up on that. 



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