Chapter 6

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I open my eyes when I felt someone shaking me. "-ette! Nette. Come on. We're landing in 10 minutes. You need to clean up and get ready." I give him a light shove and groggily sit up. He grunts and stumbles back a little bit.

"You little shit." He rolls his eyes at my statement (fact) and pulls me out of bed. I shriek in surprise and laughter. I land on my ass and glare up at my twin. He sticks his tongue out at me and I hold out my arms. He pulls me up and I manage to stand up by myself.

"Thank you~" He gives a small smile. "Yeah yeah. Your welcome. Now go get dressed and clean up." I push him out and grab the outfit I packed in my carry-on bag.

I cleaned up, put y stuff away, and made sure it was clean

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I cleaned up, put y stuff away, and made sure it was clean. I grabbed my carry-on bag and walked out of my chambers, quarters, room, whatever it's called. I saw Marin leaning on his door with his eyes closed, drumming his fingers against his thigh. 

I sneak up next to him and then scream, "Marin!" His eyes fly open and he leaps -not literally- 5 feet in the air. "Nette! Don't do that!" I shrug, a goofy grin on my face. "Whatever you say, Mar." The speakers on the plane sound. "We are now landing, please collect your items and exit the plane when the okay is sounded." 

I grab on to a rail and hold on as the plane pitched forward and downward. Marin grabbed my forearm, fear obvious in his eyes. He's always been afraid of heights and planes for some reason. I don't know why, he just was so I would let him hold onto me when he got scared. 

We finally landed and the speakers sound. "The okay has been given. Please be reading to exit the plane." I smiled and shouldered my bag. I made my way through the plane and to the exit. I stopped, preparing myself for the headache that would come once I got to the class. 

I took a deep breath and walked out. I got closer to the class, and I could hear the lies that Lile was spinning. I internally groaned. Did she know nothing about Gotham? Never flaunt your riches, never say that you know important people ESPECIALLY the Wayne's. That made you an even bigger target. 

I pulled my pencil out of my pocket and spun through my fingers. I stopped when I heard her say something in particular. "...and I helped Batman find so many of Joker's hideouts, he told me his secret identity since he thought he could trust me..." I tried to stifle my laughter but it didn't work. 

I burst out laughing. 

I desperately tried the laughter that was coming out of my mouth but it wasn't working. I wiped the tears of laughter on my cheeks and clutched my stomach with one arm. She really had the guts to lie about that. Well, then I'm not helping her when she gets attacked by a villain. 

I put a hand over my mouth, as I tried to muffle it some. I managed to stop laughing but tears were still dripping down my face. Alya glared at me while, Lila burst into 'tears'. I sighed. Here we go. Let the bitching start. 

"What is wrong with you?! Lila, is telling us all about her heroic acts, her selflessness, all the times she's risked her life to save others, and you burst out laughing like it's a joke! Your a jealous little bitch, who just can't get enough attention!" 

I raise an eyebrow. "Wow Cesaire. You're so full of shit, the toilet's jealous. Lila too but it would be an entire dumpster for her." Then I pretend to be surprised and slap my hand over my mouth. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean that at all."

 Alya looks at me smugly. "Good. Because everything I said is true." I snort. "Sorry, but sarcasm falls out of my mouth, like stupidity falls out of yours." Marin snorts but covers it up with a laugh. I see Nathaniel, Marc, Alix, and Nino laughing in the class. They were the only 4 that believed me. 

Well, Kagami and Luka too but they don't go to the same school and Luka is traveling and Kagami is in Japan for a fencing tournament. So they couldn't exactly do much for me. Nathaniel, Marc, Alix, and Nino were more spies for me and hang out with me once the class isn't around. 

I smile at Alya and Lila who looked very much offended and shake my head. "I'm going to get a coffee. I'll be right back." I turn and go to the vending machines and look for my coffee. The one with the most caffeine. I put in my money and press the buttons for the coffee. It falls and I snatch it and pop the lid off. 

I take a long sip and savor the bitter flavor on my tongue. I swallow it and turn back to the class. I see Marin with his eyes glowing gold. He was angry. As a gold, he could do hypnosis but he could also look through people's minds. If he was angry enough he could scatter their memories and make them insane by blasting his emotions through their mind. 

I sprint over and grab his arm. "Mar, calm. down." His eyes flicker for a second before they turn back to their natural deep blue. He looks at me, guilt clear in his eyes. "Sorry, Nette. I got angry with her. Again." I shake my head. "It's fine. But don't make her insane please." He raises on eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure she already is but I could be wrong..." 

I snort and lead him to the bus. We climb on and the bus driver starts and we make our way to the Wayne Hotel where we are to be staying. We passed multiple buildings, all of them being tall and beautiful. Gotham was beautiful despite it being the Crime Capital of the US, if not the World. 

We soon arrived at the hotel, and Caline checked in under my name. I got a suite to myself and Marin had a suite as well. I put all my stuff in it's designated spots, and made sure it looked good. I put out my outfit for tomorrow as we were touring WE tomorrow. 

I went to the bathroom to but my toiletries in there and my eyes widened when I saw a bathtub that looked like a jacuzzi. I put my stuff away and turned on the water. I put on a red bikini and stepped in the tub. I slowly lowered myself in, enjoying the warm water and steam in the room. 

I turned on the jets, putting them on the lowest setting and closed my eyes allowing myself to relax. I could get used to this. Maybe Gotham wouldn't be super bad. I have a jacuzzi to relax in when people decide they want to grate my nerves. 

With that thought, I drifted into wonderland, enjoying the warm water and pulsing jets. 

A/N: So a new family moved in across the street from my dad's house and they have a 18 year old. And it's a they/them. They are non-binary and I can officially say I have a non-binary best friend. They are really nice and we hangout all the time with my girlfriend and other friends. 

Another thing, I got a girlfriend. I always thought I would be straight and have a boyfriend/husband when I grew up but here I am. I don't care though, she's awesome! I'm not going to waste your time and rant about her but she is so amazing!

So all of things contribute to how happy I've been lately and how I'm able to complete so many updates. I'm proud of myself. But I'll stop now. 

Continue being the King/Queen/Non-Binary royalty you are!



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