Chapter 15

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*Sign meaning - Italics* 

A/N: Other stuff will be in Italics too but you'll know when it's a sign meaning. 


Maya charged at me; her eyes glowing pitch-black. I let me eyes glow green and dodged the sign she sent at me. I planted a green sign on her back. Slow. I planted my foot in her side, before kicking her in the back of the knee, making her stumble forward.

She sent sign after sign at me, all of which, I dodged, slowed, or reciprocated with my own signs. I analyzed her, noticing she went for full offense, no defense, and she wasn't trained with her powers. She had no control and simply made signs, with no planning on what to do.

I fought with her, both of us showing no signs of giving up or being tired. I wasn't ready for her to stop suddenly in the fight and relax her body. Unease rippled through the crowd, and I stared at her. She closed her eyes and I watched her, waiting for any sign of movement.

Then a black shock wave rippled from her, a strong power hit me, causing me stumble back. A black rope of signs whipped toward me, and I didn't have time to dodge it. I was thrown backwards, my body colliding with a pillar.

I managed to slow my fall, but I still felt a piercing pain in my ribs. I laid on the ground panting when another sign hit me. A blinding pain filled my entire body. Pain. A scream left my mouth, though I tried to stop it and tears poured out of my eyes.

A bright light flashed in my eyes and against my will, my eyes closed for a second as a memory flashed through my brain.

(Flashback starts)

14-year-old, Marinette sat in her spot as her teacher, Tikki, put down her book. "You've done very well Marinette. Exceeded all my expectations with your power, which you have shone great mastery over."

Marinette smiled at her teacher. "Thank you, Miss! Does this mean we have some free time before I have to leave?" Tikki, already knowing what she was going to ask, nodded. Marinette bounced in her spot. "Can you tell me the legend again? Please."

Her eyes shined brightly at the thought of her teacher bringing out her old patched up leather book and reading it to her. Tikki stared at her and smiled softly at the excited girl. "Alright. I'll tell it to you again."

She brought out an old brown leather book, that had many patches on its cover. She placed it on Marinette's desk and patted the spot next to her. Marinette slid in and Tikki flipped the book open. The pages were yellow, crinkled, and delicate, the writing and drawings faded, and some pages torn but Marinette loved the book.

She loved hearing the myths of former blacks and purples, of their power, what blacks could do, and how they could use their power. Marinette had always wanted to show that blacks and purples were good if people gave them a chance and Tikki supported her.

Tikki's great-great grandparents had written the book, both of them being blacks. Tikki slowly began to read, the words flowing off her tongue like butter, after reading it so many times. Marinette listened, her eyes never leaving the pages.

When Tikki finished reading, Marinette stared at the book, and Tikki flipped to the back of the book. "I've wanted to show you this for a while, but I never knew when you were ready. But now, I think you are."

Marinette looked at her teacher, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "What is it?" Tikki gently stroked her fingers on the words and Marinette looked at them. The words were faded but you could understand them if you knew the language. The language inscribed in the minds of blacks and purples.

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