4 Party People in the house

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"Exams are over, nothing left to study for, you have exactly zero excuses to avoid this party." Briar said waving her make-up brush over Vani's finally clean laundry. 

"Reasons? Ok, Sure. One: Drunken Morons, Two: Pukey Drunken Morons, Three: Handsy Pukey Drunken Morons, Four: Sloppy, Handsy, Pukey Drunken Morons... Shall I continue?" Vani slid the basket of half folded clothes into the bottom of her wardrobe rather than putting them away since she was leaving to go home for two weeks in the morning. 

"Hmm, what was number one again?" Briar teased. Vani shot her a sideways look. 

"Funny. Go, have fun, but I think I'm going to stay in tonight." Vani said as someone knocked on the door. She crossed over to answer it as Briar started to protest. Vani opened the door to find Landry leaning against the door frame trying to look cool and relaxed.

"Interesting Party choice." He said eyeing Vani from her classic messy top bun to her used-to-be-white fuzzy slippers.

"I've decided I'm not going." She said simply and went to sit on her bed. She smiled at her friends who were looking at each other with disapproval for Vani's statement. Landry shook his head quickly. 

"Nope, I don't accept that." He stalked over to her and before she knew what was happening he bet over and put her over his shoulder so her blue sky and white cloud pajama shorts were aimed at the ceiling and his arm wrapped around her legs as she hung over his shoulder. 

"You ready?" He asked Briar casually over Vani's protests. 

"Yep, nice scarf by the way, it really brings out the pink in your cheeks." She teased as they left the room. Vani was still trying to fight her way of the broad shoulder of her newest friend as he walked down the hall carrying her like it was completely normal for him to have a woman tossed over his shoulder like a caveman who had no boundaries. 

"FINE! FINE! FINE!" Vani huffed loudly. "But I have to change!" Landry put her down on her feet and to her dismay there were some party goers in the halls who had been witness to her being paraded down the hall like a unwilling beauty queen at the county fair. 

"Ok." He smiled and turned to follow her back into her room.

"I can meet you down stairs." She said trying to dismiss him. 

"And I can wait all night while you try to ditch us or I can come hide my eyes while you change." He smirked. 

"Yeah, I don't trust that for a second." She shook her head. 

"He can hide in my closet." Briar offered earning herself a glare from her friend. 

"You both suck." Vani said marching back into her room. They high fived behind her which just made her grunt unpleasantly at them, but they were both grinning like the cat who caught the canary. 

"I have no clothes." Vani waved over her empty drawers. Briar peeked into her closet and nodded grimly. 

"Well if you didn't fall and rip your clothes twice a week, you would probably have some options." She said solemnly. Vani nodded and then caught on and swatted at her friend missing her arm and knocking over a water bottle, lamp and cup full of pens. 

"Case in point." Briar waved her had over the mess. 

"So I guess I can't go after all. Poop and I was just starting to get excited about it!" Vani faked disappointment.

"Nah, you can just borrow something of mine." Briar dragged her underwear clad friend across the room and flew open her closet before remembering Landry was exploring Narnia. 

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