18 No mysteries of the deep

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Vani parked her car and stepped out as RC jogged up to meet her. It was dark and only a single weird orange light was illuminated over a sketchy looking door.

"What did we need tickets for if you were just planning on getting me charged with my first felony?" Vani asked with a touch of attitude.

"Nothing quite so interesting." RC said taking her hand and guiding her up the utility stairs to the back door. He knocked and a woman with a large halo of bleach blonde hair swing the door open nearly forcing Vani off the side of the tiny platform at the top of the stairs.

"Hey Trina!" RC greeted and she smiled and pointed to the head set she was wearing. She motioned for them to come in.

"Get the black ones out of the box under the shelf..." She pointed again at the head set but offered a big smile at the two of them before wandering off.

"No, no, Noone said white, black will be fine, it hides stains, ... under the shelf where the rest of the catering deliveries are..." Trina the blonde wandered away dealing with what ever crisis she was faced with.

"Sorry, I had to come early and I didn't want you to have to come alone, so..." RC was saying. He took off his coat and hung it in a locker in a small coat room beside the door. .

The hallway was dark and looked like the back of an antique store. Furniture was stacked up along the length of the hall, mops, brooms and pails were leaned against things, boxes piled high, and racks of clothes or fabrics lined the way. Vani was getting more uncomfortable as time passed and the further she went.

"So, should I even be here then?" She asked as he helped her out of her coat.

"Yea, no worries." He grinned again and she couldn't help but wonder what he had in store for her.

She took out her phone and sent Briar a pin to her location, 'just in case' she thought to herself.

The hallway lead to a back stage area and a kitchen. RC joined a small group of people dressed in catering uniforms in the kitchen.

"Dude, I thought you had the night off?" A red haired, wide shouldered guy greeted RC.

"Yeah, I do, that's why I can't be too long." He acknowledged.

"They sent me this stupid thing, it doesn't even work, they should just upgrade these things!" The redheaded linebacker said gesturing wildly as he spoke.

"It's not as bad as all of that." RC laughed.

"Better get you an apron and a hair net before they catch you in the kitchen in sneakers!" A thirty-something woman with a classy bun and a face full of make-up said bumping RC with her hip.

"I'm not here though, I'm on a date." RC said pulling the cover off a Shiney machine in the far corner of the kitchen.

"Pfffttt, you? A date? You don't date, you-" a second waitress said before she saw RC pop his head up quickly and nod towards Vani who was waiting in the door frame.

"Well, I'll be! A date!" The older waitress said looking at Vani with awe. She had a weird half smile as she shook her head.

"Michelle, this is Vani, my date." He gestured with his head again before disappearing behind the machine door again.

"Well hello to you miss girlie." Michelle remained pleasant but puzzled as the group buzzed around getting ready for what ever it was they were doing.

"Why does everyone pick the frozen desserts anyway? I hate having to lug this thing to different sites." Linebacker said loudly.

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