7 A Dream is a Wish?

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Vani and Briar grabbed their bags and locked their room excited for a home cooked meal and some time away from books and tests. Briar had packed for a month even though they only had two weeks before they had to come back. Vani carried her duffle bag so she could juggle her suitcase, her backpack and her purse. 

The halls were silent except for the sound of their own foot steps. as they approached the main stair case Vani, saw RC coming up the stairs, he looked weird in a backwards cap, She had never seen him look so messy before. She didn't mind the look, but she liked it when his hair fell in his eyes and he shook it away. 

"Hey! have a great holiday." She smiled. 

"Sure thanks." He said dismissing her. She felt the sting of rejection, but she thought maybe he was just distracted. Hadn't he opened up just that same morning? She felt like she was in the twilight zone again. What was going on?

"Ok, well, See you in the new year!" She said brightly to his back as he passed her on the stairs. 

"Not likely." He said looking at her oddly. 

"That was weird." Briar said watching his back disappear.

"Right? So, it wasn't just me?" Vani felt validated. 

"Super weird, even for him." Briar nodded.

"Maybe he has a split personality?" Vani offered a possible reason he would look different and sound different and just be so... different. 

"Well, what ever it is, is super creepy." Briar made a face. "You still sure you would rather take the train than drive? We can take my car."

"I like taking the train, but if you really want to drive we can." Vani shrugged. 

"Nope, if you like it than we can take the train." Briar smiled and they set off for the station. 

"Evangeline!" Vani heard her name like warm butter over a biscuit. 

"G-ma!" Vani said, her face splitting into a grin. Vani dropped her friend's bags and ran to hug the woman standing with her arms open wide. 

Briar followed behind picking up her bag that was left abandoned on the cement sidewalk. 

"G-ma, this is Briar, my roommate and bestie, Her parents got D.I.V.O.R.C.E.D so she was going to stay at school for the holiday, so I insisted she come let people fuss over her." She grinned brightly at Briar.

"Well come on than. Let's get back to the house and start fussing!" G-ma went around the Jeep to get in the driver's side and the two girls stood in the back loading Briar's suitcase, duffle bag, and back pack. 

"I know you said your parents had you young, but your grandma-" Briar started.

"G-ma." Vani corrected.

"G-ma. Is younger than my MOM!" Briar said looking at the too-young-to-be-a-grandma driver of the vehicle. 

"First one in my family not to get pregnant in high school." Vani shrugged. 

"Wow." Briar said in shock getting into the back seat leaving the front for Vani. 

The ride back to the families house was just over an hour and the three of them sang loudly along with the Christmas carols and classic rock songs the entire way. Briar wished her family was like that. She had never seen either of her parents behave in such a fun carefree happy way. 

The house was one of what looked like three on a property all sharing a huge circular driveway that took a winding path through a dense forest, before opening up to show the  houses. 

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