5 Biscuit Kissed a S'more

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Vani was dizzy and sat in the washroom to try to gather her thoughts. Joe had kissed her. Not a friendly funny peck on the lips, a full on kiss kiss. I really good kiss kiss. A hot and not-at-all-friendly kiss kiss. 

Vani was officially, strongly, mostly, A lot-of-bit, Drunk. 

Coming out of the bathroom she went to see if she could find Briar. Joe was talking to some guy when she peeked back into the room where she had left him. She tried to sneak away but she found a wall where she wasn't expecting one to be, and quickly found that she was still unable to dematerialize to move through solid objects. She full body 'thunked' against a wall before stumbling through the arch way into the living room. Unfortunately as she walked her head was becoming heavy and the floor kept moving and changing directions on her. 

"Whoa Dude! How much have you had to drink?" Landry materialized beside her. 

"Like five?" She said leaning on him. 

"Maybe we should get some air." He offered as she swayed slightly. 

"There is a fire going in the back yard. Wanna go make a s'more?" He smiled at her amused by her . 

"Yes! I haven't had a s'more  in too long! Time for 'smores!" She nodded and put her arm around his waist to steady herself. He guided them through the groups of the party goers and the maze of a house. The whoosh of cold winter air surrounded them and Vani got a bit of a head rush. She was a little dizzy but Landry held her strongly keeping her on her feet. 

The bonfire was bigger than Vani had expected, benches were positioned around it with a table set up with s'more and hotdog supplies. A small group of people stood around the table and even more huddled near the fire. Landry held Vani close both to keep warm and to keep her from loosing her footing in the snow. She wasn't graceful under the best circumstances, being a little drunk and in the snow, she wasn't going to get less clumsy. 

"Yum. I want two!" Vani said looking up at her friend. 

"Yes dear!" He said laughing.

"I want to cook my marshmallows." She picked up a stick and moved over to find a spot to sit by the fire. Landry grabbed his own stick and the rest of their supplies before settling in beside her. 

Vani was feeling her head clear up as the cold air worked it's magic. She shivered and edged closer to the fire. She put her marshmallows on the sticks and held them in the heat. Slowly turning the marshmallows she was hoping not to burn them. 

"How are you enjoying the party?" Landry asked as they carefully roasted the marshmallows. 

"Meh, I love a good theme, but this is taking things a little far. Who has fifty different themed bars? and what collage party has bartenders?" She asked checking her toasting skills,

"Oh! Yeah, So there is a story behind all of that!" He laughed. "You know how there are those program competitions? The Business majors made a bet with the Arts majors and developed a fun rivalry. They made bets. At Halloween The Business majors had a kick ass haunted house and made the art majors work it. So turn about is fair play and the Artist are making the business kids tend their party. So they made a bunch of different bars so there would be a job for each of them." He gestured around at the different 'employees' of the party. 

"Ah, I still think it is stupid that I have to preform like a monkey to even get a drink." Vani shook her head and checked her marshmallow again. "Quick! I need the cookie and the chocolate STAT!" She built her treat and took a big bite. 

"I think it is supposed to be fun." He reminded her rolling his eyes. 

"Pfffttt. I can think of at least twenty seven other things that are more fun than that!" She scoffed finishing her bite. He laughed at her and looked up over her head briefly and then back down at her with a sudden change of expression. 

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