15 Free fallin'

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It was Vani's turn to plan the date and she was determined to do something unexpected. She had looked into both sky diving and bungee jumping, but neither were available in January. She wanted something exciting and something that involved falling on purpose. After being teased by her friends for being so clumsy she wanted to do something a little tongue in cheek. She couldn't find any falling attractions indoors, or available in the winter so she picked a sky diving simulator so it would be the next best thing. She booked two tickets and insisted on driving so she didn't have to tell him  where they were going. 

"You have me worried. I have no idea where we are going." Joe said resting his hand on her leg while she drove through the small town. 

"You should be, I am totally out of my comfort zone at this point." She admitted.

"Well that doesn't sound good." He laughed.

"Hey, I figured you would want a date to remember so let's get remembering!" She laughed back. 

"Now you have me even more afraid." He said with a bright smile. 

"I promise to take good care of you, I mean I hear the death rate is really low, so we have an excellent chance of survival." She patted his hand and nodded. 

They arrived at the indoor sky diving center called Free Falling. She parked along the side of the building and Joe looked excited and nervous. 

"You got us tickets? No Way! This is the best date ever!" He hugged her and picked her right up off her feet. He kissed her and hugged her. "I have always wanted to do this." He practically skipped inside holding her hand. She felt excited that he was so happy. 

Vani showed the kid at the front desk her tickets and they were taken to the instructional area where a girl in a uniform showed them a safety video and issued them a flight suit. By the time they were standing with their instructor by the giant clear tubes used to simulate the feeling of falling from the sky Vani was nervous. 

"Maybe this was a bad idea. I am probably the only person who could fall wrong or fall off of falling." She said clutching Joes arm. 

"They have instructors to help with all of that. Do you want to watch me go first?" He asked softly. He couldn't take the smile off his face, she loved his excitement. 

"Yes, I will watch you go first and try to learn from your mistakes... unless you are perfect as you seem to be and then I will learn nothing and fail spectacularly on my own!" She tried to sound positive, but she felt like she was going to puke. 

"You will love it." He ginned so big Vani wondered if his cheeks were hurting.

"Ok Who is up first?" The uniformed girl asked. Joe raised his hand and his smile grew even bigger, Vani wasn't sure that was possible until she saw it with her own two eyes. He squeezed her hand and let go as he stepped out of the waiting circle and into the huge clear glass tube. A flyer person showed him a few things that Vani couldn't hear and he nodded before the simulator roared to life and almost instantly Joe was halfway to the moon! Of course he was a natural. He turned and dipped and flew. She took pictures and video of his adventures. She tried to see what he was doing to be so proficient, but she couldn't tell. It looked so easy. She could definitely do that! She loved watching him having a great time. 

When his turn was over he looked crazy with his hair all messed up and his cheeks were red and his goggles had left an imprint around his eyes. She snapped a picture. She loved the way his eyes sparked and the pure joy on his face. She could definitely fall in love with him. 

"You're up!" The bubbly girl said gesturing Vani into the tube.

The flight instructor showed Vani how to move and explained how to adjust her position slowly, because quick movements would result in loss of balance. 

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